
 导语    Janice Sigrist老师是一名资深教育人,曾在美国和中国的多所国际幼儿园担任园长和创始人。在上海生活生活21年的她,于今年7月回美定居。一妍邀请Janice开设一个英文学习专栏,通过Janice的日常故事,激发大家学习英文的兴趣,提升口语能力。
文丨Janice Sigrist









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Hi there.  I am Miss Janice, an educator and lover of life!  I enjoyed my 21 years in China, my 38 years as an educator, and I am back in the US now sharing my US experiences with you.
Growing up in Springfield, Illinois, we lived on a street called Fairway Drive.  Right at the end of our road was Passfield Golf Club, a public and beautiful 9 hole golf course.  My brothers both loved to golf, and they became awesome golfers.  They would get up early on the weekends and head over to get in an early round.  I, on the other hand, preferred to putt, and I used to be pretty good at that.  However, the idea of swinging clubs to move a ball down a course did not appeal to me, although I tried it and was actually okay at the game.  When I was young I was too impatient to really enjoy playing golf, and that is the funny truth.
Both of my brothers are now retired, and they have both taken up golfing again.  It was on their bucket lists of things they wanted to accomplish.  Both have season passes to clubs near their homes, and both are rediscovering their technique and golf swings.
Last week my twin wanted to go discover his new golf course, Boise Ranch.  It is an 18 hole course with a beautiful layout, surrounded by homes and it is kept quite pristine!  He asked me to join him to help him on the course, as his eye sight has always been a challenge for him.  I happily agreed.
The cost for golfing with the season pass in Boise was $180, or 1,160 rmb.  This included 10 rounds of 18 holes of golf, and 10 games where you can buy one and get one free. Normally an individual pays $34 for 18 holes, which is 218 rmb.  The golf cart was an extra $12,  or 80 rmb.  It was well worth it!
My brother started out with two buckets of golf balls to loosen his swing and to warm up before the game.
It was a beautiful Boise day, and we rented a golf cart to make our lives easier.  Bill put his clubs in the back, we put on our sun hats and sunscreen, and we were ready.  We joined three other golfers, and our foursome was set.
As we proceeded through the course, we had a lovely camaraderie with the other golfers.  Two of them were under 30 years of age, one was around our age.  One of the younger ones was a wonderful golfer, with a very powerful swing and good putting skills.  They all used golf apps to help them know the course better.  It showed the distance to the holes from where the balls landed, and the complications for each hole.  I helped keep track of my brother’s ball, as did each of the other golfers, I pointed out where the flags were, and mainly I just enjoyed the process and kept score.
I love being on a golf course.  I  love the smell of the freshness of the course, the beautiful manicured lawns and greens, the other natural elements such as the water and the sand, and the controlled, patient personalities of golfers. Last week there were geese everywhere on the course, and they leant an extra special personality to the day and smile to my face.
My brother completed 9 of the 18 holes.  It took us just under 2 hours, with light breezes, sunshine and blue skies. In all, he made two pars, and landed in the water once.  He became better with each hole, and began to rediscover his game.  I thoroughly enjoyed the outing, and loved the great company.  I would happily go again.
It is so nice to be out and about in this beautiful city.  Soon I will be moving to Wyoming, and discovering new adventures there.  Just the whole process of moving is interesting!
I wish you all a beautiful day, full of new adventures.  Please come join me next week as I share my US experiences with you.  Have a super week, and smile!


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