医学影像英语每日读丨87.Polycystic Kidney Disease on Abdominal X-ray


朗读者chester 朗读

This is an abdominal x-ray in a patient with abdominal pain. And you can see in the right lower quadrant, there's a few very dense radiodensities, and that's just old contrast in the colon. But the reason I submitted this case is that you should notice that the kidneys are very large. And you can see on the second image with the arrows those are the borders of the kidneys. So those are very large kidneys. So when you're looking at abdominal x-ray, you're always looking at the edge of the organs, like the liver you can see very well, the spleen. In this case you're noticed that the kidneys are too large. This is a patient who had adult polycystic kidney disease. So they get very large kidneys. Of course you're going to see this better in a CT scan. But even on the plain x-ray you'll be able to see the borders of the kidneys and recognize that they're enlarged.


1. colon [ˈkoʊlən] n. 结肠

2. kidney [ˈkɪdni] n. 肾

3. polycystic [ˌpɒli:'sɪstɪk] adj. 多囊的




