276.Burst fracture of C5(4)
Although there are small disk fragments at C3-4 and C5-6, the cord injury here tells us that this patient probably will not do well even with surgery. That in fact proved to be the case. The MR does show a small epidural hematoma, which is not producing any significant compression. It also delineates the ligamentous injuries well, enabling us to clarify the mechanism of injury, which was not entirely clear from the plain film and CT since the fragments had been reduced to a degree more than that usually seen with flexion teardrop-type injuries. Note that, while the MR demonstrates vertebral body fractures well, it does not demonstrate the posterior element fractures as nicely as CT, although they are definitely visible .
1. epidural [ˌɛpɪˈdʊrəl, -ˈdjʊr-] adj. 硬(脑)膜上的,硬脑膜外的
2. hematoma [ˌhi:mə'toʊmə] n. 血肿