
" Three days? Three whole days? How nice for you ." His words were curdled by the sarcasm, then his voice hardened once again. " So who do you know ? Who are the movers and shkers in the town? What do you know about television--television news, that is ? I 'm not interested in the soap opera garbage you women revel in between seductions.  Come on, Miss Fisher, let's have it!"

He stepped closer, and Dianh found herself retreating. The threat in his pale eyes was so strong that she backed farther away, bumping into a desk and almost falling before a grip of iron clasped about her left arm to steady her. " Are you going to answer me , or just keep trying to run away?" he said in a voice that seemed little more than a whisper in her pounding head.

"But what you are talking about is journalistic knowledge,:she replied. " I've never claimed to have any of that. I did take a night--school course on the media, but..."

But nothing! What I'm talking about , dear Miss Fisher, is useful knowledge. I can type. I can take shorthand. I can answer a telephone . And all of them at least as well as you can , Miss Fisher. It's of no use to me at all if you can answer a telephone but you don't know enough to ask the right questions and recognise the right answers. It just means somebody else has to do it all over again anyway. And if you're a really good secretary ---- I mean a real, honest- to - goodness professional one, there's even less of a place for you here, because you'd only be bored to tears inside a week. I've got far too much to do here wothout some bored little dolly-bird plaguing all my journalists so that they forget what they're here for."

Dinah shook herself free from his grip , mouth opended to refute his acusations, but as she did so he stepped away and stared up at the clock which dominated one wall.









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