专注与迷茫 Focus and Confusion

hello, guys, today I wanna talk something about the Focus and Confusion.
Many guys connected with me on WeChat and told me some of their ideas about the development of their careers.
Of course, they mostly expressed their confusion and helplessness, instead of telling me that they could be going well along the road of foreign trade business.
Some of my followers told me that as a new graduate, it is their first time to know and do foreign trade business and they nearly know nothing about it.
And the company just started this business with Alibaba.
No one is gonna teach them in the company and all they can reach is the endless confusion regarding the whole work.

In fact, many people have gone through such period of time, which is inevitable in small companies.
Coz many companies just started this business with nearly no experience and limited fund, which result in the endless problems and slow development.
Nobody understands how to run this business and thus has to bury themselves in the blind investment.
They heard that Alibaba Assessed Supplier is great, then eighty thousand RMB is gone.
They heard that building a good website is great, then forty thousand RMB is gone.
They heard that Google Ads is great, then one hundred thousand RMB is gone.
The result is still negative though lots of money has been spent.
Why? Coz you don't know how to deal with most of the things.
Take website as an example, in fact, you don't know what kind of website is good. You may think it great judging from its beautiful appearance and believe that it is worth the money.
I picked up many problems on a website from one of my VIP students, on which he spent tens of thousand RMB.
Many companies like hiring a third-party company to manage their platforms or websites. Think about it, can a company do better than you if they know nothing about your products and industry?
拿出你给的钱的一小部分,随便找几个关键词做谷歌广告, 一样轻松的可以有稳定流量,问题是,这些关键词与你的产品销售关系不大,引来的不是目标潜在客户,无法转换成有效的询盘。
They can easily get your website stable traffic by paying for the Google Ads with very small part of the payment you give. But the problem is, most of the keywords they put on the Google Ads are not closely connected with your product selling, which can hardly bring you target potential clients and effective inquiries.
I have mentioned this phenomenon in past articles.
相关历史文章列表 List of past related articles.
空手套白狼,你行不行?Are you able to make money out of nothing?
外贸该如何开发客户 How to find the customers for Foreign Trade Business
Still, I wanna say that words which I often say in the VIP education videos, " Sure you don't have to do it on your own, but you've got to understand it."
No matter as a company or a salesperson, you'll all feel confused when you know nothing. The point is, you have to move further and find yourself the right way to go, rather than giving it up.
Being confused is not terrible, the things really terrible is to say die easily.

Focus On The Life You Desire
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