外贸铁手腕:如何让新客成为老客,获得更多订单? How to get old clients and more orders?

You spend money on B2B platforms, you pay to attend exhibitions, you formulate marketing plans, you promote your products and your company with ads, all you do above is to seek more opportunities to get more clients and more orders.
However, there's still one important task waiting for your completion after the first order is finished. Namely, you must get it clear how to get your clients back and back again with more orders.
In actual business operations, you can also predict the clients' next purchase time and purchase volume based on their past procurement situations.
Whereas, if you do not get their orders at the predicted time, you may have to think it over that whether there's something wrong with your product quality or negotiation or follow-ups, which takes the orders away from your hands and puts them into others' pockets.
by Mike外贸说

Make sure you check your emails and social networking sites regularly, and see if there are any news from your clients so as to make a response to them timely and effectively.
Some salesmen never read the clients' words carefully, and once they send out the quotation sheet, they think that everything has been ok. They don't care about the questions from the clients, so that will be a miracle if the orders come to them.
There are still some people who make replies to the clients, but it's equivalent to nonsense words.
For instance, they say their quality or after-sales service is good, but never get it detailed.
Then all things go wrong. I call such replies as nonsense words. This is not Negotiation.
Many salesmen lose the orders for not providing their clients with timely and effective replies. The clients give the orders to others for not being satisfied by you.

价值并非价格,不是说你把价格降到最低,订单、客户就是你的了(给我最低价,立刻下单),也并非增加价值就是给更低的价格。可靠的质量,和妥善的售后服务都可以为自己的业务增值, 对所有企业来说都是优势,任何一项,做得好了,都会成为加分项,增加客户对企业的信任度和忠诚度。
Value is not price. You cannot get the orders from your clients by just providing them with the lowest price. Adding value is not decreasing the price. Guaranteed quality and awesome after-sales service can all add value to your performance, which are also great advantages for each enterprise.
It'll absolutely add the clients' trust and loyalty to a company, whichever service is done well.
Many companies go bankrupt for lacking orders coming in, coz they just focus on money, they don't even care about the quality control and after-sales service.

无论如何保持联系,电话,电子邮件,Skype,WhatsApp, 还是其他方式,都要注意与客户进行定期沟通,都要让你的客户知道你对与他们的合作很关注,很在乎。
Whichever way mentioned above you choose to keep in touch with your clients, you must keep regular communication with them, letting them know that you much care about them and the cooperaiton between you two.
Business relationships, like any other relationships, need to be maintained so it can last longer.
But, of course, you don't need to discuss the business with your clients all the time.
You can find more topics interesting to them like kids,fishing, sports, games, etc., from the social networking sites they are in, Facebook, LinkedIn, for example.
Of course, do not waste all your time all the nonsense, go find the best time to bring your topic back to the business, on which your “EQ”may be needed.

A lot of people don't pay attention to their clients' problems and think it nothing but a small matter, which can be fudged with any excuses. It'll be all ok as long as the orders are confirmed. In fact, such thinking is extremely dangerous.
Because once any problems come in in the later stage, will you and the clients still feel cool? This is no different from shooting yourself in the foot.
Business is no like the relationships between friends. In most ccases, you must provide your clients with not only an apology but also reasonable and practical solutions over your mistakes.
Some just make apologies and never provide solutions. Any problems without proper treatment will be the reason your clients go for others.
Pay attention to each problem from your clients. This is a must in the maintenance of customer relationship.

Being a good listener is more important than being a good speaker.
I've mentioned this many times in past articles that by listening to your clients, you can find the things they mainly focus on, which will be of great help to your getting or enlarging the orders and keep yourself in good relationship with them for long-term and stable cooperation.
If you just keep talking without listening to the clients' ideas, you are not a qualified salesman. And you're likely to lose orders or even customers by missing out on too much valuable information.