Ted青少年演讲课 17-改变自己,你只需要两年时间 I






Part 1 演 讲 视 频

Pre-watching 带着问题听演讲

How to improve yourself in two years?



Part 2  段  落  学  习

Two years is nothing,but at the same time


A lot can be accomplished in two years.


You can try a sport you’ve always wanted to start,


and become great at it.


You can start a morning routine


and affect your mood and stress at a deep level.


You can meditate for a few minutes per day,


become more self-aware and change the way you react to problems.


You can start a business and make it a big success.


Two years is nothing and extremely easy to waste,


but with small actions, substantial commitment and consistency,


you can make it count, a lot.


Two years being passive is a blink of an eye.


Part 3 重 点 解 析

  • Key Points 演讲重点

Key Points 演讲重点

Two years is nothing, but at the same time, a lot can be accomplished in two years.


  • at the same time  在同时

    We arrived at the same time.我们同时到达。

    in no time: 很快,马上,立刻

    The kids ate their dinner in no time.孩子们很快吃完了饭。

    waste time: 浪费时间

    If you'd done your homework instead of wasting time on your phone, you'd be finished by now.如果你当时继续写作业而不是浪费时间玩手机,你现在已经完成任务了。

    run out of time: 时间不够

    She ran out of time and didn't finish the last question.她时间不够,最后一道题没有答完。

  • accomplish  /əˈkʌm.plɪʃ/

    (v.) 完成;实现;达到;做到

    The students accomplished the task in less than ten minutes.学生们不到10分钟就完成了任务。

Key Points 演讲重点

You can try a sport you’ve always wanted to start, and become great at it.

You can start a morning routine, and affect your mood and stress at a deep level.

You can meditate for a few minutes per day, become more self-aware and change the way you react to problems.

You can start a business and make it a big success.


  • become great at sth 成为某方面的高手;精通

    become/be good/better/great at sth 擅长于/较擅长于/精通于

  • routine /ruːˈtiːn/

    (n.) 惯例,常规;例行公事

    There's no set/fixed routine at work - every day is different. 工作内容不固定——每天都不同。

  • affect  /əˈfekt/

    (v.) 影响;侵袭;感染;打动

    Both buildings were badly affected by the fire.两座楼都在大火中严重受损。

  • meditate /ˈmed.ɪ.teɪt/

    (v.) 默念,冥想;沉思,深思

    Sophie meditates for 20 minutes every day.索菲每天冥想20分钟。

    n. 名词形式meditation

  • self-aware /ˌself.əˈweər/

    (adj.) 自知的,有觉知的

    He is self-aware enough to realize that he needs help.他清楚地意识到他需要帮助。

    n. 名词形式self-awareness

  • react  /riˈækt/

    (v) 反应;作出回应

    be react to sth对某事作出反应

    Many people react (badly) to (= are made ill by) penicillin.很多人对青霉素(严重)过敏。

Key Points 演讲重点

Two years is nothing and extremely easy to waste,

but with small actions, substantial commitment and consistency, you can make it count, a lot. Two years being passive is a blink of an eye.


  • extremely /ɪkˈstriːm.li/


    They played extremely well.他们演奏得非常精彩。

    She's extremely beautiful.她非常美。

  • substantial /səbˈstæn.ʃəl/


    The committee was in substantial agreement (= agreed about most of the things discussed).委员会基本上达成了一致意见。

  • commitment /kəˈmɪt.mənt/


    I'd like to thank the staff for having shown such commitment.我要对全体员工作出的巨大奉献表示感谢。

  • consistency /kənˈsɪs.tən.si/

    (n.) 连贯性;一致性

    It's important to show some consistency in your work.在工作中表现出连贯性很重要。

    adj. 形容词consistent

  • passive /ˈpæs.ɪv/

    (adj.) 被动的,消极的;顺从的

    Traditionally in many professions women have been confined to more passive roles.传统上女性在许多行业都被限制于扮演一个被动的角色。

  • blink /blɪŋk/

    (v.&n.) 眨(眼睛); 眨眼

    in the blink of an eye=extremely quickly一眨眼,瞬间

    In the blink of an eye, he was gone.一眨眼他就不见了。

Part 4 学  后  挑  战


3: 我今天学到的三个知识点

2: 我有两个问题要问

1: 我想学更多关于___ 的内容



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