荷兰画家 扬·范·比勒特 (Jan van Bijlert,1597-1671年)

荷兰画家 扬·范·比勒特 (Jan van Bijlert,1597-1671年)荷兰画家 扬·范·比勒特 (Jan van Bijlert,1597-1671年)图片来源于:互联网

The Calling of St. Matthewc. 1630

The procuress

Family Group as Cornelia Mother of the Gracchi Showing Her Childrenc. 1635

Virgin and Childc. 1635The Lute Pc. 1630-40

Portrait of a Womanc. 1650

Young man playing a lute

Portraits of the Men from the St. Job Inn in Utrecht Collecting Almsc. 1630-35

Portrait of an Elderly Man and Woman and a Younger Woman outside a House

A Smoker

Mary Magdalen Turning from the World to Christ (Allegory of the Catholic Faith)c. 1630-32

