【展示区-直线-现代】中海·望庐示范区 / 赛肯思景观
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SecondNature: London’s Kings Cross district has changed from an industrial site to an abandoned neighborhood and now is a lively new commercial landmark. The run-down and vandalized neighborhoods are now replaced by high-rise buildings and become a famous urban renewal project. The Hangzhou Zhonghai Wanglu Project is located in an industrial block that needs to be reformed. The site was Hangyang, as the century-old pillar industry of Hangzhou. The development of industrial civilization was a unique memory of this land, making the Improvement of the old block environment our mission.
The design study case is the “Kings Cross Block” in the United Kingdom. The project is inspired by the concept of a modern minimalist, quiet and artistic living space, isolating the noise from the outside world. The design links the past, present, and future, creating an experience that travels through time and space. The demonstration area is narrative space. Through the changes of spatial volume to reflect the rhythm that describes the movement of time and space.
第一景:过去 First Scene: The Past
The past is the historical memory that exists in the alley on the corner of the street, and maybe can be reflected in the design. Iron grid with modern elements and industrial colors makes the modern and traditional industries coexist and also continues the site culture.
▼入口 Entrance
The landscape is the continuation and innovation of architecture. The demonstration area follows Mies van der Rohe’s design concept of “less is more”. Less is not empty but simple; more is not crowded but perfect. The entrance adapts geometric lines, presenting a light and transparent space. The see-through iron grid trellis provides a visual connection to space as well.
▼铁艺编织的网格营造虚实结合的空间氛围 The see-through iron grid trellis provides a visual connection to space.
Silence is an inherent quality of the sculpture.The eternal trait gives it both vivid and silent, heavy, and light, powerful, and tender moments.
▼转角处静默的雕塑 Silent sculpture at the corner
The sculpture is named after “BOOK” that records the changes of the times. The surface material of the sculpture is a rusty steel plate. The color of the steel will tarnish and weather with the landscape over time and adds vitality to the sculpture.
▼雕塑设计手稿 Sculpture sketch
Everything will freeze, like an instant but an eternal snapshot. The capture of time is to freeze the perceptual expectation of the wonderful or beautiful moments, to record the beauty of the time and space or inner satisfaction of the moments.
第二景:现在 Second Scene: The Present
Time Tunnel 是时间的静止,它连接着过去也通向未来,人们从现实世界抽离 进入想象中的世界。
Time Tunnel is the stillness of time. It connects the past and leads to the future.People escape the real world and enter fantasy.
现实的世界光怪陆离,充斥着各种复杂情绪,现实中的人们对未来的世界充满好奇。Time Tunnel使用94根钢管编织成疏密有致的透视空间,如同时光隧道,通向未来世界。廊架尽头的叠水象征着艺术之源,为深邃安静的空间增添了一丝灵动。
The real world is bizarre and full of complex emotions. People in reality are curious about the future world. Time Tunnel uses 94 steel pipes to build a dense and precise perspective space, like a time tunnel, leading to the future world. The water feature at the end of the gallery symbolizes the source of art and adds agility to the depth of the quiet space.
第三景:未来 Third Scene: The Future
未来的世界 会是什么样子?是暗夜中的点点星火,是穿行于时空中静默的舞者?
What will the future world look like?It’s a little spark in the night or a silent dancer walking through time and space?
The overlap of space tells the sto ry of space and time. The viewing space overlaps with the rest space to give visitors a stop. The spacious landscape platform and the stream-line shape bench “Gaze” create a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere.
The waterscape perfectly weakens the massive volume of the building. The sculpture “Dancer” uses metal to express the graceful dance postures. The texture reverses, pulls apart, and splits the space to target a subjective cognition and subtle emotions of the spatial art. The interactive swimming pool captures every detail of the dwellings’ emotions, such as casual laziness, quiet rest, and daydream-like visions of the future.
▼雕塑《Dancer》设计手稿 Sculpture “Dancer” sketch
魔鬼在于细节 The devil lies in the details
The architect Mies van der Rohe once said that “the devil lies in the details.” Details in design give details in life. The design team implements the pursuit of design quality to the details, integrates artistic design language into the details, and forms a rich landscape rhythm.
室内/软装设计 : 上海无间建筑设计有限公司
项目规模:占地面积24598㎡ 示范区景观面积2000㎡
项目拍摄:赛肯思刘聪 / 视方摄影-翱翔
Project Name: Zhonghai·Wanglu Demonstration Zone
Owner: Hangzhou Zhonghai Qihui Real Estate Co., Ltd.
Landscape Design: Chengdu SecondNature Landscape Design Co., Ltd.
Architectural design: Shenzhen Cube Architectural Design Co., Ltd.
Interior/Soft Decoration Design: Shanghai W. Design
Sculpture Design: Hangzhou NAUTILUS & XSPACE
Construction unit: Zhejiang New Oasis Landscape Engineering Co., Ltd.
Project Area: 24,598 square meters, landscape area of the demonstration area is 2,000 square meters
Project address: Downtown, Hangzhou
Design time: 2020.05
Completion time: 2020.08
Project shooting: SecondNature Liu Cong / Shifang Photography-Aoxiang
Writing/Typesetting: SecondNature Brand Department