【火腿快新闻】招募 | 全球著名马拉松赛——波士顿马拉松赛招募业余无线电志愿者
Boston Marathon Seeks Amateur Radio Volunteers全球著名马拉松赛——波士顿马拉松赛招募业余无线电志愿者
Preparations are under way for the 120th running of the Boston Athletic Association’s Boston Marathon, which takes place on Patriots’ Day, April 18, 2016. Nearly 300 trained Amateur Radio volunteers staff the event each spring, providing vital communication services over the entire 26 mile course. Volunteers are recruited, selected, and managed by the BAA’s Communications Committee, now in its second year.
“A major initiative of the Committee this year is to bolster the technology we use on Marathon Monday,” said Communications Committee member Matthew Forman, K6MCF. “To do so, we’re forming a Technical Infrastructure Subcommittee (TIS) and seeking amateurs who can offer current skills in analog and/or digital modes (UHF/VHF), repeaters, and infrastructure. We’d like to have the TIS consist of one technically seasoned member from Amateur Radio clubs in Massachusetts, Southern New Hampshire, and the northern parts of Connecticut and Rhode Island.”
通讯委员会成员Matthew Forman, K6MCF表示:“今年BAA通讯委员会主要倡导加强技术在周一马拉松的应用,为了达成此项倡议,我们成立了技术基础支委会 (TIS) 并寻找那些能提供模拟和(或)数字模式(UHF / VHF)技术,具有中继和基础设施建设相关技能的业余无线电爱好者。我们希望技术基础支委会 (TIS)是由一个技术经验丰富的成员团队组成,这些成员分别来自在马萨诸塞州,新罕布什尔州,南部和北部地区的康涅狄格和罗德岛的业余无线电爱好者俱乐部”
Committee member Mark Richards, K1MGY, will assist in representing the TIS to clubs and other interests. Contact Richards for more information.
委员会成员Mark Richards, K1MGY将协助代表TIS对俱乐部及其他权益,要了解更多信息请联系Richards。