
What would I do without your smart mouth?

would 很简单的一个词,在口语之中的使用非常灵活,也很有效果 – 表示客气,推测等目的

Drawing me in, and you kicking me out

Draw me in, kick me out. 例如: Mark Suckerberg/Steve Jobs drew his friends in when he’s in need, and kicked them out when he’s rich.

You've got my head spinning, no kidding,
I can't pin you down

have got 和 have 什么区别?

看英剧的同学一定注意到have got的频繁使用。 美国人也用have got (频率稍低), 例如英国人更可能会说, have you got this book in stock? 美国人更可能说:Do you have this book in stock?

have got可以当作是 have的强化版本(intensive form), 且只用在现在时. 更多时候会用he got来代替 he has. (这些问题很多时候取决于习惯,和具体情景)

pin down,“得到确定的答案”,例如 I tried to pin him down on a time and place, but he was so evasive. (evasive是比较地道的表达:琢磨不透)

What's going on in that beautiful mind
I'm on your magical mystery ride
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me,
but I'll be alright

dizzy等于上面的spinning,头晕了可以说I feel dizzy。

hit 这个词口语中很常见, 例如 I was pulling an all-nighter last night, and the sleep just hit me. hit还有“成功而风行一时的事物”,例如the surprise hit video of theyear就是“本年度出乎意料的热门视频”。越是这样简单的词往往会有很多口语化的用法,我们不能只满足它的主要意思。

‍My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

对我们中国人来说“双元音”(diphthong)很不习惯的,再加上一个”鼻音”(nasal sound) “n” 对有些人来说是有困难的, 例如 fan fun fine, man, mind。

口语练习tip: 如果你使用iPhone,可以配合siri练习;如果你使用Androird, 可以配合google练习; 如果你用Mac, 可以利用Dictation&Speech练习。这几种方式的识别率没那么高,但是不失为一个发音的参考。

推荐语音训练利器「Dragon Dictation」

'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections

perfect 这个音的重音一定要念对, 动词和形容的重音位置不一样。例句: You don’t have to perfect ( v.) your imperfections, because for me they are your perfect(adj.) idiosyncrasies.

Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning

end这个小词也很好用,表示finish。非常好用的一个表达有end up, 例如“Eric本可以成为百万富翁的”就可以说: Eric could have ended up a millionair.

例如, 某男对其情人说说: honey, my wife has found out, and I have to put an end to our relationship…here’s 1 million, I love you, take care!

Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, oh

wingman是个很火的词, 简单来说wingman is the man who helps you win a girl.

How many times do I have to tell you
Even when you're crying you're beautiful too
The world is beating you down,
I'm around through every mood
You're my downfall, you're my muse

downfall 和 muse是对应的, 我觉得可以理解为,你让我萎,你让我潮 … …

My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues

I can't stop singing, it's ringing, in my head for you

学英语有很多种学法。电影、美剧、音乐都是很好的材料。 从我们的兴趣出发,学习技能的同时顺便学一学英文,然后逐渐的你会发现你的兴趣也会变的越来越广,能够学习的机会也会越来越多。 学习是一件很痛苦的事情,只有阵痛才会让我们保持学习,等到我们可以站的更高看的更远的时候,你会爱上这种痛苦。


这周坐地铁的时候听了This American Life,主题是break-up。


其中有一个故事是女孩(Starlee Kine)分手之后非常痛苦,终日沉浸于悲情歌曲之中无法自拔。然后她想自己写一首歌,试图来减轻自己的痛苦,尽管她不会任何的乐器也没什么乐理知识,她尝试去写歌。

In the wake of a break-up, writer Starlee Kine finds so much comfort in break-up songs that she decides to try and write one herself—even though she has no musical ability whatsoever. For some help, she goes to a rather surprising expert on the subject.

结果她觉得“最不像歌词”的一段话得到了她做音乐的朋友们的认可,最后谱成了歌曲“The three of us”。


I loved you. And you loved her. And I sort of loved her, because I love everything you loved. Then, she stops, stops loving you. And glory, hallelujah, somehow you start loving me. And I don't know why I love you, I just do, I really do. And it doesn't do me any good. In fact, it does me bad. And you're oh so gone. And I'm oh so sad.

如同Starlee Kine所说,有时候,突然那么一个时刻,有那么一首歌开始了有了意义。我想这也是我们学英语的意义吧: 简单,有效的表达,加上节奏和语调 — 语言就是音乐,音乐是有关你我的故事。

