Nature Outlook: 全球规模的可持续膳食 | 热心肠日报


Changing diets at scale



12-09, Other

Abstract & Authors:展开

If everyone ate a balanced diet featuring more plant-based and sustainable animal-sourced food, up to eight billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions might be avoided globally each year by 2050, according to the 2019 special report on climate change and land by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Modifying diet on a global scale is a major opportunity to combat climate change, argues the report. Naoko Ishii, an economist at the University of Tokyo’s Institute for Future Initiatives, agrees. “One of the biggest risk factors for the planet’s health is our food system,” she says. “The way we eat needs to change.” That opinion might be gaining widespread acceptance, but scientists don’t know how to bring about the reforms needed, on the scale required.

First Authors:
Benjamin Plackett

Correspondence Authors:
Benjamin Plackett

All Authors:
Benjamin Plackett

