每日新闻播报(December 11)

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A community worker helps an elderly patient with online health insurance services at a hospital in Anqing, Anhui province, in July, 2020. [Photo/For China Daily]

>Boost role of insurance sector
China will adopt a host of policy steps to promote the scale and quality of the personal insurance sector and facilitate its steady development, to meet people's diverse needs, the State Council's executive meeting decided on Wednesday.
China's personal insurance has seen sound and fast development in recent years with commercial personal insurance reaching considerable coverage nationwide, yet problems such as insufficient supply and low level of protection still exist.
The meeting emphasized the need to deepen reform and opening-up of the insurance sector, with a focus on optimizing supply and providing high-quality personal-insurance products, to meet people's needs for health, old-age support and safety protection.

Aerial photo taken on Dec 8, 2020 shows two cruise ships, the Changle Gongzhu (or Princess Changle, L) and the Nanhai Dream at a port in Sanya, South China's Hainan province. A ceremony to resume cruise routes to the Xisha Islands was held Tuesday in Sanya, South China's Hainan province. Two cruise ships, the Nanhai Dream and the Changle Gongzhu, are scheduled to resume service on Dec 9 and 10, respectively. [Photo/Xinhua]

>Cruise tours return to Xisha Islands
Cruise trips to Xisha Islands in the South China Sea resumed on Wednesday, 11 months after being suspended due to the COVID-19 epidemic. The Chinese cruise ship Nanhai Dream left Sanya Phoenix Island International Cruise Port for Xisha Islands on Wednesday afternoon.
Another cruise ship, the Changle Gongzhu, or Princess Changle, is scheduled to resume operations on Thursday.
The Xisha tour of each ship will last three nights and four days.
As part of precautions against COVID-19, the number of passengers on the cruise liners has been capped at 50% of full capacity.
The limit can be increased to 70% after two weeks of operations if anti-virus measures prove adequate.
Passengers are required to provide a negative nucleic acid test report conducted within seven days before boarding. They will also have their body temperatures checked three times a day during the trip.
Cruise tourism to Xisha Islands started in 2013 but discontinued in January following the coronavirus outbreak.

A caretaker attends to a senior resident who lives alone at a residential community in Huangpu district in Shanghai, on April 9, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]

>Causes of death worldwide
Noncommunicable diseases now make up 7 of the world’s top 10 causes of death, according to WHO’s 2019 Global Health Estimates, published on Wednesday. This is an increase from 4 in 2000.
The new data cover the period from 2000 to 2019.
Heart disease has remained the leading cause of death at the global level for the last 20 years, now representing 16% of total deaths from all causes.
Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia are now among the top 10 causes of death worldwide.
Deaths from diabetes increased by 70% globally between 2000 and 2019, with an 80% rise in deaths among males.
The estimates further confirm the growing trend for longevity: in 2019, people were living more than 6 years longer than in 2000, with a global average of more than 73 years in 2019 compared to nearly 67 in 2000.

SpaceX owner and Tesla CEO Elon Musk arrives on the red carpet for the automobile awards "Das Goldene Lenkrad" (The golden steering wheel) given by a German newspaper in Berlin, Germany, November 12, 2019. [Photo/Agencies]

>Musk's advice for CEOs
Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk has some advice for CEOs: Make better products, seek negative feedback and ditch those PowerPoint presentations.
"Are CEOs from corporate America focused enough on product improvement? I think the answer is no," Musk said Tuesday at the Wall Street Journal CEO Summit.
马斯克12月8日在WSJ CEO峰会上表示:“美国公司的CEO们足够专注于改善产品了吗?我认为没有。”
But that is vital, so CEOs should spend less time focusing on things like financials, according to Musk, and spend more time "just trying to make your product as amazing as possible."
"I just honestly would recommend to anyone listening... just spend less time in meetings, less time on PowerPoint presentations, less time on spreadsheets, and more time on the factory floor or time with customers," Musk said.

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