
deceive “欺骗”、“蒙骗”、“行骗”,指用虚假、哄骗、隐瞒等手段使人产生 误解或错觉而上当受骗。 1)He put on an air of innocence, but it didn't deceive us. 他装出一副无辜的样子,但是它欺骗不了我们。 2)You are deceiving youself if you still believe that she loves you. 你如果还相信她爱你,你就是在欺骗自己。 3) Honeyed words may deceive people for some time, but they cannot stand the test of time and practice. 花言巧语蒙骗人于一时, 但是却经不起时间和实践的检验。 4)He deceived the shopkeeper in

