Fill Rate Improvement Project
fill rate ,大家看下面的PPT的时候,先简单普及一下为啥要提高fill rate,简单来说在一个库房,放的越多成本越低。在单位面积下,放50本书,和放150本书,大家就好理解了。在一个库房,它为了满足顾客的需求,它存放的商品的种类越多越好,这样可以满足不同客户的喜好。
The project purpose is to get best conditions which is balanced of fill rate and metrics impact, and then to improve the best fill rate level by bin type to reach 2017 year goal, the mainly project targetare:
-To analyze the impact data btw normaland peak period fill rate level as the Phase I works;
-To analyze and try run for the bestconditions by each bin type as the fill rate goal;
-Try to research/study some solutions forfill rate improvement by different bin type in each FC.
Especiallythanks to XiaominG/Cacy/Wu,fei/Kathy/Wei,xing, and all FC POCs great supports and helps. Thank you all.