Architect I.M. Pei leaves legacy of beauty andfunctionality
I.M.Pei, an American modernist architect regarded as one of the world’s leadingdesigners of civic centers and cultural institutions, including the NationalGallery of Art’s East Building, the glass pyramid at the entrance to the Louvrein Paris and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland, died May16 at a hospital in Manhattan. He was 102.Considered one of themost significant and prolific architects of the 20th century, the NewYork-based designer left a legacy of notable buildings that span the globe. Hissignificant works include the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in Manhattan(1979 to 1986); the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center in Dallas (1982 to1989); the Bank of China Tower in Hong Kong (1982 to 1989); and the Museum ofIslamic Art in Doha, Qatar (2003 to 2008).Mr. Pei has beencredited with rescuing modernist architecture, typically stark buildings withlittle or no ornamentation, from its reputation as a cold and forbidding artform. He did so by creating open public spaces that made people feel welcomeand by designing museums that were bright and inviting, rather than acollection of small, dark rooms. Throughout his career, Mr. Pei favored simplematerials and simple shapes for the basis of his elegant designs. “The simplerthe solution, the more powerful it is,” he once said. He started withuncomplicated geometric forms, using stone, concrete, glass and steel totransform them into dramatic and sculptural light-filled spaces.
通过这篇幅不长的文章,孩子们可以了解贝老先生留下的几件著名建筑的英文用法,比如美国国家美术馆东馆(National Gallery of Art’s East Building),卢浮宫外的玻璃金字塔(the glass pyramid at the entrance to theLouvre ),曼哈顿的雅各布·k·贾维茨会议中心(Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in Manhattan ),达拉斯莫顿·h·梅尔森交响乐中心(Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center in Dallas);香港中银大厦( Bank of China Tower in Hong Kong);以及卡塔尔多哈的伊斯兰艺术博物馆( Museum of Islamic Art in Doha,Qatar )。了解贝老的作品理念和作品特色:运用简单的材料、简单的形状,转换成迷人的光影空间,同时还使建筑物带着优雅迷人的设计感(stark buildings with little or noornamentation;simple materials and simple shapes for thebasis of his elegant designs;“The simpler the solution, the more powerful it is)。了解人们进入这些建筑物后的感受,以及与其他建筑物不同的观感(people feel welcome and by designingmuseums that were bright and inviting)。
百度了贝老设计的建筑,每个地方的几何感都很强烈。搜雪姐姐自己也曾去过有贝老建筑的三个地方,卢浮宫、苏州博物馆、香港。卢浮宫外的玻璃金字塔让我知道贝老,香港的中银大厦是“路过”,当时根本不知道是他的作品,而苏博是因为贝老而特意去的。这些作品给人的感觉正如文中描述,从简单的几何形体开始,用石头、混凝土、玻璃和钢材将它们转变成迷人的和雕塑般的光影空间(using stone, concrete, glass and steel totransform them into dramatic and sculptural light-filled spaces),穿梭其间,享受光影美感,偶尔会生出一些穿梭时空感,不过个人觉得几何图形的多重运用多少还是硬气感太足了些~