

Wang Yuhua (Yuanqin) China · Malaysia

王玉花(元沁)kitty wang yuhua,世界文化名人,世界文化交流伟大贡献奖得主,世界文化大使勋章获得者,世界名人研究院马来西亚分院院长,2020~2021中英双语版《世界名人录》荣誉顾问,马来西亚杰出企业家。

国籍:wang yuhua中国/江苏;马来西亚永久居留权。

任职:联合国华人艺术家总会副主席/马来西亚主席;CCTV全球爱华传媒集团执行主席;CCTV全球爱华传媒集团筹委会主席;《中国经贸资源》创办人/董事长;中国宁夏政府驻马来西亚经贸代表处副主任;泰国宁夏国际总商会马来西亚会长;《丝路之窗》杂志国际出版社外联部副社长;第五届CCTV中华母亲旗袍形象大使,中华好妈妈海选马来西亚筹委会主席;2021年CCTV全球爱华春晚慈善爱心大使;2019年第四届马来西亚卓越企业家;第九届马来西亚国际魅力夫人,世界旗袍友谊女王;Mrs World Qipao Queen Smith 2019 Charming Malaysia International Best Talent最佳才艺奖2019;TOP500Beauty Queen Ambassador Brand Award 2019;Top500International brand Award 2019。







Wang Yuhua (Yuanqin) China · Malaysia

Wang Yuhua (Yuanqin) China · Malaysia

Wang Yuhua (Yuanqin) Kitty Wang Yuhua, world cultural celebrity, winner of the great contribution award for world cultural exchange, winner of the world cultural ambassador medal, President of the Malaysian branch of the world celebrity Research Institute, honorary consultant of the Chinese English bilingual world who's who 2020-2021, and outstanding entrepreneur in Malaysia.

Nationality: Wang Yuhua, China / Jiangsu; Permanent residency in Malaysia.

Position: Vice Chairman of the United Nations Federation of Chinese artists / Chairman of Malaysia; Executive chairman of CCTV global Aihua media group; Chairman of the Preparatory Committee of CCTV global Aihua media group《 Founder / Chairman of China Economic and trade resources; Deputy director of the economic and Trade Representative Office of the Chinese government of Ningxia in Malaysia; Malaysia president of Ningxia International Chamber of Commerce, Thailand《 Vice president of the outreach Department of window of the Silk Road magazine international press; The 5th CCTV Chinese mother cheongsam image ambassador, chairman of the Malaysian Preparatory Committee for the Chinese good mother Audition; Charity Ambassador of CCTV global Aihua Spring Festival Gala in 2021; The 4th Malaysian entrepreneur of excellence in 2019; The 9th Malaysian International charming lady, the queen of world cheongsam friendship; Mrs world Qipao queen Smith 2019 charing Malaysia international best talent award 2019; TOP500Beauty Queen Ambassador Brand Award 2019; Top500International brand Award 2019。

Brand creation: 1. United Nations Chinese artist peace goodwill ambassador; 2. United Nations outstanding contribution award for Chinese artists; 3. CCTV global Aihua Top100 outstanding brand; 4. CCTV global Aihua elegant cheongsam ambassador; 5. CCTV global Aihua charity goodwill ambassador; 6. CCTV global Aihua Beauty Crown ambassador; 7. CCTV global Aihua glorious ambassador; 8. CCTV Aihua International famous model walk show award ceremony, CCTV Chinese mother cheongsam image ambassador trial; 9. the global "one belt, one road" outstanding Chinese Entrepreneur Award. 10. the one belt, one road influential man.

Ms. Wang Yuanqin was born in beautiful Jiangsu, China and graduated from the specialty beauty industry. Outstanding women in the new era. Dare to work hard, kind and free, and love life. Like art, develop the spirit of hard work from an early age. After graduation, in order to find her own value and dream, she came to Malaysia with ideals and beliefs in 1998 and has been in contact with the beauty industry for ten years. She came from China and founded Paris Beauty Consulting Co., Ltd. with her hard-working hands and entrepreneurial courage. She is smart and beautiful. She works hard in a foreign country, Open two branches a year and achieve good results in ten years. Its strength is beyond question.

He is currently the overseas head of the economic and Trade Representative Office of Ningxia government in Malaysia. The only representative approved by the Ministry of Commerce of the people's Republic of China for the record of the Chinese embassy. It is an exchange platform for foreign trade and economic cooperation of the people's Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of China set up in Malaysia. It is also a business platform for China Malaysia economic, trade and cultural exchange, halal food, doctoral and master's degree certification, Malaysia's second home plan, import and export business, traditional Chinese medicine science and technology, tourism and health, business investigation, cooperation and exchange. The representative office is also responsible for the interactive docking of introducing Chinese and Malaysian enterprise groups and chambers of Commerce. Take the initiative to implement all work. Drive the development of relevant industries and jointly build a development, inclusive, balanced and inclusive regional economic cooperation framework. Work together to build one belt, one road of human destiny community.

Living in a foreign country, I love China. Remember your mission and live up to your trust.

Wang Yuanqin, the overseas person in charge, has lived overseas for 23 years, actively promoted the economic, trade and cultural exchanges and interaction between China and Malaysia, actively cooperated with Professor Yang Huaxiang during the epidemic, and successfully completed the docking and exhibition of China Arab Expo chamber of Commerce jointly organized by the Ministry of Commerce of the people's Republic of China, the people's Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and Ningxia Expo Bureau. One belt, one road, has been produced to make a positive and far-reaching impact on economic and trade exchanges between China and Malaysia.

On September 1, 2021, he won the fourth great contribution award for world cultural exchange and the medal of world cultural ambassador. His personal portrait and outstanding achievements were included in the 2021 Chinese English bilingual world who's who (comprehensive volume, cultural volume and economic volume).

