极智科技奢华的FF 91完成全球超豪华电动车最长道路测试 进一步验证量产时间表

极智科技奢华的FF 91完成全球超豪华电动车最长道路测试 进一步验证量产时间表
2021年08月24日 14:15
来源: FaradayFuture

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【极智科技奢华的FF 91完成全球超豪华电动车最长道路测试 进一步验证量产时间表】2021年8月23日,洛杉矶 - 总部位于美国加州的全球共享智能出行生态系统公司Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc今天宣布,FF 91刚刚穿越历史悠久的美国66号公路完成了3653公里的长距离道路测试,66号公路从伊利诺伊州芝加哥蜿蜒至加利福尼亚州洛杉矶县的圣莫尼卡,横跨美国多个州。

  2021年8月23日,洛杉矶 - 总部位于美国加州的全球共享智能出行生态系统公司Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc。 (“FF”) (NASDAQ交易代码:FFIE) 今天宣布,FF 91刚刚穿越历史悠久的美国66号公路完成了3653公里的长距离道路测试,66号公路从伊利诺伊州芝加哥蜿蜒至加利福尼亚州洛杉矶县的圣莫尼卡,横跨美国多个州。

  FF上个月在美国纽约纳斯达克交易所上市之后,启动了FF 91新一阶段的实际路面状况下的车辆测试与调校。极智科技奢华电动车FF 91在各种条件下进行了多种测试,包括穿越沙漠的极端高温和不同海拔的多种路面实测。在3653公里的测试中,FF 91完成了长距离实际路面测试以及包括电池和动力总成部件的耐久性测试,进一步验证了FF 91的量产时间表。

  “这次穿越历史悠久的66号公路的测试使我们能够让FF 91经历许多美国中部和西南部地区特有的多样地理环境和道路条件,这让我们获得了FF 91在实际路面驾驶的宝贵数据”,FF全球首席执行官毕福康(Carsten Breitfeld)博士说,“FF的整体测试和调校策略将确保其拥有市场上最佳的性能、安全性和用户信心,并确保电池、电动力总成、底盘、悬挂和其他车辆系统在这些恶劣条件下的表现也同样出众,同时也确保司机和乘客在FF 91中驾乘的平稳舒适和互联体验。”

  在FF 91车型明年开始量产之前,本次FF进行的长途路测是一个绝佳的在实际应用场景中测试并验证FF独特的第三互联网生活空间概念的机会。 工程师出身的毕福康博士在本次66号公路测试中扮演了重要角色,他作为驾驶员,完成了大部分的驾驶行程,还在测试路上通过FF 91后排智能互联网系统和后座的车载视频会议系统参加了FF的日常会议。

  FF 91配备了内部摄像头和麦克风,支持视频会议功能。当后排显示器放下时,用户可以通过会议应用程序访问他们的联系人,在旅途中与朋友、家人或商业伙伴保持联系。这些应用程序将在完全车载电脑上运行,并可被镜像到用户的移动设备上进行远程控制。

  在本次车辆测试期间,FF的工程师们记录了大量关于车辆底盘、散热系统、电动力总成性能和所有车辆系统的数据。他们还优化了真实应用场景中的软件控制性能以及标准化调校。随着FF即将量产交付FF 91,这些关键测试工作为FF 91的系统提供了终极数据和验证,以帮助实现按时交付。在未来的几个月里,FF将生产更多的FF 91预量产车,以进行进一步的测试、车辆研发和升级,并为2022年的交付做好最后准备。

  FF 91未来主义者联盟版和FF 91未来主义者版作为唯一代表下一代的智能互联网电动车产品,全能车,超级汽车机器人,以及第三互联网生活空间,拥有极限科技、极致用户体验和完整生态。


  Faraday Futures Ultimate Intelligent Techluxury FF 91 Validates Production Timeline as it Completes the Longest Road-Test Among the Global Ultra-Luxury EV Class

  · Faraday Futures ultimate intelligent techluxury EV FF 91 completes 2,270-mile road testing confirmation along historic Route 66

  · This long-distance testing milestone gathered data from real-world testing under typical user conditions and signifies a significant step in preparing FF 91 for production

  Los Angeles, CA (August 23, 2021) – Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc。 (“FF”) (NASDAQ: FFIE), a California-based global shared intelligent mobility ecosystem company, today announced that it recently completed a 2,270-mile testing and evaluation journey following the historic Route 66, a highway that crosses numerous U.S。 states as it winds its way from Chicago, Illinois to Santa Monica in Los Angeles County, California。

  Real world vehicle testing and evaluation, which followed FFs public listing on Nasdaq last month in NYC, put the ultimateintelligent techluxury FF 91 through multiple tests in various conditions including extreme heat through the desert and on multiple road surfaces including various elevations。 The completion of this testing and evaluation of the many vehicle systems, including battery and propulsion components during the 2,270-mile journey further validates FF 91 production timeline。

  “This testing journey along historic Route 66 allowed us to put FF 91 through many diverse environments and conditions found only in the central and southwest portions of the U.S。 and allowed us to capture real world data on FF 91,” said FF global CEO Dr。 Carsten Breitfeld。 “FFs overall testing and validation strategy will ensure best-in-market performance, safety and user confidence, and to make sure the battery, electric propulsion, chassis, suspension and other vehicle systems perform under these harsh conditions, while also ensuring a smooth and comfortable and connected experience with the driver and passengers in the FF 91。”

  The long-distance road test that FF conducted is a great opportunity to evaluate FFs unique third internet living space concept in real usage scenarios before it begins production next year。 Dr。 Breitfeld, an engineer by trade, had an integral part of the Route 66 testing and drove much of the trip, he also used the rear intelligent internet system and in-car video conference system from the rear-seat to participate in daily FF meetings along the way。

  FF 91 is equipped with interior cameras and microphones that support videoconferencing features。 When the Rear Seat Display (RSD) is turned on, users can access their contacts through conferencing applications to keep connected with friends, family, or business associates while on the road。 The applications will run natively on the in-vehicle computer and be mirrored to the users mobile devices for remote control。

  During vehicle testing, engineers logged volumes of data on the vehicle's chassis, thermal, electric propulsion performance, and all vehicle systems。 They also optimized software controls performance and calibrations in real world conditions。 This critical work is providing some of the final levels of development on FF 91’s systems, as FF advances to the final stages of its program and a timely launch。 In the coming months, FF will build additional pre-production FF 91 vehicles for further testing, vehicle development, improvements, and final readiness for launch in 2022。

  The FF 91 Futurist Alliance Edition and FF 91 Futurist models represent the next generation of intelligent internet electric vehicle (EV) products。 They are high-performance EVs, all-ability cars, and ultimate robotic vehicles, allowing users to experience the third internet living space。 The models also encompass extreme technology, an ultimate user experience and a complete ecosystem。

  Both models have an industry-leading 1050 horsepower, a 130kWh battery pack with immersive liquid cooling technology and 0-60 mph performance in 2.4 seconds。 In addition, both employ tri-motor torque vectoring and rear wheels independently driven and controlled by dual rear motors。 Both models are also equipped with the industry's only super AP for internet connection at “light speed”, video streaming on the passenger information display, a rear intelligent internet system, an in-car video conferencing system, intelligent seamless entry, FFID face recognition, multi-touch eyes-free control, and zero gravity rear seats with the industry’s largest seating angle of 150 degrees。

  Users can reserve an FF 91 Futurist model now via the FF intelligent APP or FF.com at: https://www.ff.com/us/reserve。

  Download the new FF intelligent APP at: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1454187098?ls=1 or



  Established in May 2014, FF is a global shared intelligent mobility ecosystem company, headquartered in Los Angeles, California。 Since its inception, FF has implemented numerous innovations relating to its products, technology, business model, profit model, user ecosystem, and governance structure。 On July 22, 2021, FF was listed on NASDAQ with the new company name “Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc。”, and the ticker symbols “FFIE” for its Class A common stock and “FFIEW” for its warrants。 FF has both a U.S。 and China dual DNA and dual home-market advantage。 FF aims to perpetually improve the way people move by creating a forward-thinking mobility ecosystem that integrates clean energy, AI, the Internet and new usership models。 With the ultimate intelligent tech luxury brand positioning, FFs first flagship product FF 91 Futurist is equipped with unbeatable product power。 It is not just a high-performance, ultra-luxury EV, an all-ability car, and an ultimate robotic vehicle, but also the third internet living space。



文章来源:FaradayFuture 责任编辑:DF532
