John Sebastian《Welcome Back》
Everyday music

歌名:《Welcome Back》
歌者:John Sebastian
词曲:John Sebastian
流派: 民谣

Welcome back
Your dreams were your ticket out
Welcome back to that same old place
That you laughed about
Well, the names have all changed
Since you hung around
But those dreams have remained
And they've turned around
Who'd have thought they'd lead you
(Who'd have thought they'd lead you)
Back here where we need you
(Back here where we need you)
Yeah, we tease him a lot
Cause we got him on the spot
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back
We always could spot a friend
Welcome back
And I smile when I think
How you must have been
And I know what a scene
You were learning in
Was there something that
Made you come back again
And what could ever lead you
(What could ever lead you)
Back here where we need you
(Back here where we need you)
Yeah, we tease him a lot
Cause we got him on the spot
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back
And I know what a scene
You were learning in
Was there something that
Made you come back again
And what could ever lead you
(What could ever lead you)
Back here where we need you
(Back here where we need you)
Yeah, we tease him a lot
Cause we got him on the spot
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back
Yeah, we tease him a lot
Welcome back, welcome back
'Cause we got him on the spot
Welcome back, welcome back
Yeah, we tease him a lot
Cause we got him on the spot
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back

今天分享一首 John Sebastian的《Welcome Back》。
今天带来首情景剧主题曲,虽然很短但很好听。这首歌是20世纪70年代美国电视情景喜剧《 Welcome Back, Kotter》的主题曲,由前Lovin' Spoonful乐队的主唱 John Sebastian安编写和录制。该乐队是60年代最成功的乐队之一,但只存在了几年。这首歌让 Sebastian以个人的名义重回排行榜,给了他作为独唱歌手的唯一一首大热歌曲,1976年5月登上公告牌100首热门歌曲排行榜,在排行榜上停留了5周之久。这首歌在乡村音乐排行榜上排名第93位。
这首歌的创作初衷就是为了一部情景剧。电视制片人Alan Sachs想为ABC的一部名为《Kotter》的新情景喜剧创作一首主题曲。Sachs的经纪人Dave Bendet联系到了Sebastian。在采访中Sebastian说:“我接到一位来自布鲁克林的叫艾伦·萨克斯(Alan Sacks)的人打来的电话,他当时正在和盖比·卡普兰(Gabe Kaplan)一起写一个电视节目。他想让纽约的人写更老的作品。我看了一个试播集,读了一些早期的剧本,然后就想,'我一定能成功!’我带着这首歌回来了,于是他们把电视剧的名字从《Kotter》改成《Welcome back, Kotter》。”可见制作人有多喜欢这首歌。