have a finger in every pie
学英语是个循序渐进的过程,每天掌握好一个英语口语表达,利用闲暇时间日积月累学英语。今天的英语口语表达是:have a finger in every pie.
这个口语表达可不是:“在每个派里都有一根手指”的意思哦~!而是:to be involved in a lot of different activities and have influence over them, especially when other people think that this is annoying.就是“参与其事”的意思,尤其指某人多管闲事,到处干预。
He is a big potato in the company, and he has a finger in every pie. If you need someone to show you the ropes , you should ask him.
You have to bear the corresponding responsibilities if you wanna have a finger in every pie. Otherwise, just pull the plug on it .
He has a finger in every pie and is never short of good ideas for making the next deal.
You shouldn't be so busy and stressed if you didn't have a finger in every pie.