Paul Winstanley 1954年出生于英国曼彻斯特,1972-73年在考文垂兰切斯特科技学院学习,1976年本科毕业于卡迪夫艺术学院,1978年毕业于伦敦大学斯莱德艺术学院美术系。
Interview with Paul Winstanley
Do you paint from photographs or memory? Are your works always from places you’ve been to yourself?
I work from photographs. It’s one way of having information in the studio about what something looks like particularly when the subject matter is out there in the world and not something you can bring into the studio. I use the photographs in a number of different ways. It’s not just a matter of straight transcription.
Do you feel a painting gives you the freedom to be more expressive than a photograph perhaps would?
I usually have a clear idea of what I want to paint right at the beginning and how I want it to be. If it’s not so clear it becomes clearer through the process. Initially I find what I’m looking for and take photographs. But the photographs rarely live up to what I have in mind even if they get close to it. So there might be a process of subsequent drawing or, nowadays, changes made in photoshop. I might use two or three photographs to make the image I want. Then in painting it there is another raft of decisions to consider. I like the paintings to suggest the detail, the reality of the subject, without actually painting it all in. There is lots of detailed information in the photographs I leave out but paint in such a way as to imply that it’s all there. I like the viewer to ‘see’ it, to fill it in for themselves. So the paintings become something very specific, something that the photographs are not, and come to embody all my intentions. They are entirely expressive which the photographs are not.
Did you always want to become an artist? Was painting in this particular way something that came naturally to you?
I always painted and regarded it as a language I seemed to understand. Even as a kid I felt I could ‘read’ paintings and intuitively understand the thinking in them. Painting was always important and allowed me to express myself in a subtle, non verbal, way. However the idea that someone could become an artist did not really develop until my late teens. But still I did not see how you could make a living from it. Yet I never took other kinds of work very seriously and kept choosing to make art and so, in the end, I became an artist!
Your subject matter is often mundane/ordinary, such as empty interview rooms, lobbies or window landscapes etc. What interests you in this domestic, everyday subject matter?
There are common denominators to all experience, how we live our lives, where we live, what we remember. There are cultural connections between us all. I try and find subject matter at this fundamental level; at a level that sparks recognition. It is the extremely ordinary things in life where these connections can be found. In developing images of these situations the ordinary becomes extraordinary and we see them anew. Everywhere it is beautiful. Life is amazing.
While there’s an absence of people in a lot of your work, you have done some portraits. Do you feel there’s a different feeling evoked when you include a person in the static landscape be it in the background, with no eye contact, or faced away etc.?
For many years I did not include people in my paintings. I felt the viewer standing in front of the painting would be that protagonist if one were needed. However I have become more interested in the relationship between the viewer and the figure and I now use images of people much more freely. They are never portraits however but people in the landscape or in a situation doing something simple like watching or talking on a phone or smoking a cigarette; usually something self absorbing to which we have a tangential access. We do not see them fully.
What are you working on now? Do you have any more exhibitions coming up?
I have just had a large solo exhibition of new work in New York so right now I am in the post exhibition down period of thinking about new things, making some studies and small scale things on paper. I have work in some group shows touring museums in Europe and America in the near future. My next solo show may be in the UK .
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