
The town of Broummana in Lebanon has hired a group of young women as auxiliary police officers for the summer - and dressed them all in shorts.


"It could be sexy for some people or ordinary. It depends on your education.”


“I'm Pierre Achkar, I'm the mayor of Broummana.”


“Every year we are trying to make a shock to attract the international media. And to attract the local people and the tourists to Broummana.”


“It's pretty. People like pretty.Do you want them ugly?”


"verything is changing in the world."


"At a certain time,wearing jeans was vulgar."


"Women are free:sexy or not sexy, it's a free country."


It's caused a huge stir in the media...and endless debates online.


"Shorts as uniforms only for female police officers in Lebanon #Broummana# sexism!


"Love it! Now the vehicles go slowly...What's wrong with shorts?


But it's only the women in shorts.


"If shorts bring tourists then extend the initiative to include men...       "


"Official clothes need to be elegant and tidy, it doesn't matter how open minded you are, you can't make something wrong right."


“We're getting compliments.”


"The municipality asked us to do this job-it's something new."


"To show that Lebanon is like the rest of the world.


"Why not wear shorts? "


"We're all university students."


" We're all over age-we are all in our twenties and above."


"There's no problem at all."


“We are wearing long shorts, we're not exhibiting our legs.”


“ I took this job because I always wear shorts.So I don't have to change for work.”


“In my opinion, I believe it's inappropriate."


“The most beautiful police in the world.”


One girl wanted to remain anonymous...


"I think it's inappropriate for the girls, the police in general and for the government.  "


“Everybody is happy.”




