
The central character in the Netflix animated comedy series BoJack Horseman is a former sitcom star struggling with depression and alcohol addiction — who also happens to be a horse.

奈飞公司动画喜剧《马男波杰克》的主角BoJack Horseman是一位前情景喜剧明星,与抑郁症和酒精成瘾作斗争——他碰巧也是一匹马。

Creator Raphael Bob-Waksberg likens his series to that othershow about a talking horse, Mister Ed.


Part of the original pitch for the show, he says, was, "What's Mister Ed like behind the scenes? When Mister Ed goes home after shooting, who is he really?"


The answer to that question turns out to be pretty dark.


The series, which is written for an adult audience, is now being syndicated on Comedy Central.


It satirizes Hollywood using a mix of human and animal characters to address issues of failure, ego, power, addiction and relationships.


The current season is set in the midst of the #MeToomovement.


Bob-Waksberg says the show's format gives it a wide latitude: "Because it's animated and it's, like, a horse and it's bright and colorful, it just takes on a different feel," he says.


"And you can kind of sneak attack into sadness and in some fun, surprising ways."


Interview Highlights


1.On how he got the idea for BoJack Horseman


The idea for the show really started from my friendship with Lisa Hanawalt, who is a brilliant illustrator and cartoonist. ...


One thing she was doing was just drawing these animal people on her own and posting them in her blog and on the Internet, and I thought they were just so gorgeous, these designs of these characters which were human from the neck down more or less with these animal heads.


So I started thinking about: Is there a show that I could write with these animal people?


2.On Horsin' Around, the fictional '80s sitcom that made BoJack famous


Diff'rent Strokes is certainly an inspiration.


Full House, The Brady Bunch, Step by Step.


I think in the '70s and '80s and '90s there were a lot of sitcoms about different family units and blended families and odd configurations of families and different ideas of what makes a family, so it felt very appropriate that in our world where we have animals and people coexisting that there would be a show about a horse bachelor raising three human kids and learning how to make a family together.


3.On exploring themes of forgiveness — in the context of family and in the context of the #MeToo movement


A big part of the larger story of [BoJack's] relationship with his mother and his relationship with his parents is about this idea of can you forgive people who have done nothing to earn your forgiveness?


And can you find peace with this woman who is so damaging to you, but [who] is gone now and will never hurt you again? ...


I'm really interested in that idea.


That question of what do we owe the people in our lives as far as forgiveness goes?


I think what's really interesting for me is the tension between that and too easy forgiveness of public figures.


I want to believe on a personal level that nobody is irredeemable or so far gone that they can't find a way to be better and be forgiven.


4.On how he handles viewer feedback about offensive jokes


Sometimes there are challenges in your job or your career and you have to, like, learn how to take them, and I think it's a good thing and I think this means that more people are being heard. ...


I think it is a challenge to challenge your own preconceived notions of what is OK, or what is funny, or who are you making your comedy for?


I think if you are a comedian who doesn't care about that, then fine, make the comedy for the people that will not be offended and that will be your audience.







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