

Once a week, write a heartfelt letter, write down your feeling.


This is an exercise that has helped to change many live, assisting people in becoming more peaceful and loving. Taking a few minutes each week to write a heartfelt letter does many things to you. Picking up a pen or typing on a keyboard slows you down long enough to remember the beautiful people in your life. The act of sitting down to write helps to fill your life with gratitude.

这是一项有利于改变人生的联系,它能使人们变得温和,富于爱心。每个星期花几分钟写一份情真意切的信,会让你受益颇多。拿起笔或者敲打键盘,能使你心境平和,让你陶醉于对生命中善良人们的美好回忆中。坐下来写信能使你对生活充满激情。(图片来自电影Mary and Max)

Once you decide to try this, you’ll probably be amazed at how many people appear on your list. Your parents, your spouse, your children, your friends, your colleagues… Even if you don’t have many people in your life to whom you feel you can write, go ahead and write the letter to someone you don’t know instead---perhaps to an author who may not even be living, whose works you admire. Or write to a great inventor or ideologist from the past or present. Part of the value of the letter is to gear your thinking toward gratitude. Writing the letter, even if it isn’t sent, would do just that.


The purpose of your letter is very simple: to express love and gratitude. Don’t worry if you’re awkward at writing letters. This isn’t an order from the head but a gift from the heart. If you can’t think of much to say, start with short little notes like, "Dear Jasmine, I woke up this morning thinking of how lucky I am to have people like you in my life. Thank you so much for being my friend. I am truly blessed, and I wish for you all the happiness and joy that life can bring. Love, Richard."


Not only does writing and sending a note like this focus your attention on what’s right in your life, but the person receiving it will, in all likelihood, be extremely touched and grateful. Often, this simple action starts a spiral of loving actions whereby the person receiving your letter may decide to do the same thing to someone else, or perhaps will act and feel more loving toward others.


Write your first letter this week, even for yourself. I bet you’ll be glad you did it. 




英[ˈhɑ:tfelt]  美[ˈhɑ:rtfelt]

adj. 诚挚的;真诚的

e.g. My neighbor gave me a hearfelt invitation to the dinner.


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英/美 [spaʊs]

n. 配偶

e.g.Your spouse is often called 'your better half.'


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a spiral of : 一连串的;一圈圈的


英/美 [ˈspaɪrəl]

n. 螺旋

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★ 作者:Belle


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