感恩节,多的是你不知道的事 | Happy Thanksgiving Day


Thanksgiving Day, known as an ancient festival created by the Americans, is also a family union day. To a certain extent, it is similar to the Chinese Mid-autumn Festival. They both celebrate for gratitude, harvest and family reunification.


At the beginning, there was no fixed date and it was decided randomly by each state of the USA. After America gained its independence, President Lincoln declared that Thanksgiving Day is a nationwide festival. Finally, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. Meanwhile, Thanksgiving holiday usually lasts from Thursday to Sunday.


Thanksgiving has remained America’s most treasured celebration: it combines tradition and invention, an appeal to the past and to the future, ancestor worship as well as acceptance of diversity. Let’s gain some knowledge about it.


Point 1 Turkey and Pumpkin Pie

Americans pay great importance to Thanksgiving dinner. And people can enjoy delicious and traditional food. Turkey and pumpkin pie are the essential foods. Turkey is a Thanksgiving tradition of the main course. In addition, there are foods like sweet potato, strawberry jam and others.

第一 火鸡和南瓜饼


Point 2 Interesting Thanksgiving Games

On Thanksgiving Day, people always play some traditional games after dinner such as dancing and various games. And one of the most favorite games is pumpkin race. The competitors push the pumpkin run with a small spoon. When competing, all competitors can’t touch pumpkin with hands and the one who comes to the destination first is the winner. The game is more interesting with smaller spoon. Consequently, the race has the audience rolling in the aisles.

第二 有趣的感恩节游戏


Point 3 Send Food to the Poor

From 18th century on, a custom that people sent a basket of food came into existence in America. At that time, a group of young ladies tried to select one special day to do charity. In their eyes, Thanksgiving Day was the only fitting. So when it came to Thanksgiving Day, they gave full baskets of food to the poor. Gradually, it was known to all, soon after many people followed them. Consequently, it becomes a tradition.

第三 送食物给穷人


Point 4 Travel to Plymouth Harbor

On Thanksgiving holiday, some families travel to countryside, especially the Plymouth Harbor where the immigrants settled down in those years. They can see the imitations for the Mayflower and Plymouth Rock. And the imitations put them personally into the scene which enables them to be more deeply impressed.

第四 去普利茅斯港旅游


Point 5 Many Countries Celebrate Thanksgiving Day

Apart from America, there are a lot of other countries celebrating Thanksgiving Day. Each country celebrates it differently. In Canada, it is celebrated on the second Monday of October. India also has a number of harvest related festivals. Though the underlying principle behind each of them is same, every festival is exclusive and different from the other.

第五 很多国家庆祝感恩节


Point 6 Black Friday: Shopping Season

Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving Day. Generally, stores across the USA offer various discounts and promotions. Americans start to go the malls for purchasing. Commonly, it is Christmas shopping season. Crowds of people are pouring into the stores and malls from morning till night, for soon it will be Christmas Day.

第六 黑色星期五:购物季


Thanksgiving Day is also a way for people to express their love and appreciation. Cherish what you own and express your gratitude timely!



Thanksgiving is a time when I tell you that I love you.





★ 编辑:陈珺洁

Enjoy English, enjoy fun!

★ 编校:泉涌君




