周杰伦全英文为野生动物发声|Oh! Great!


When the buying stops

the killing can too

Jay Chou is popular with people around the world for his musical talent. But funny it’s hard to figure out the Chinese words in his song. This very time, I’m shocked by the video in which he speaks English for the wild animal.


Jay was invited by the WildAid to shoot an English PSA. He said that the most difficult thing is to speak English while shooting an ad. However, he received the script just before the recording day, and the only thing he could do was to ask for help from his wife Kun Ling. He followed her every time Kun said a standard pronunciation. But he did gain a lot, knowing some new words like “pangolin”, “shark fin soup” and so on.


He says with a laugh: “I don’t want to lose face, at least seemingly natural. Although it’s all right just to recite it, only to understand the true meaning can I express the real emotion."


In fact, after you watch this video, you will find that his pronunciation is really excellent, and also speaks fluently!


When the buying stops,

the killing can too.



The WildAid slogan “When the buying stops, the killing can too.” has been proceeded all over the world for almost twenty years. Jay Chou interiorizes it.


How do you feel if you are buying things made of an animal’s life?


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★ 编辑:刘洋




