TE||The man who spoke out













The man who spoke out



Jamal Khashoggi


The man who spoke out


Saudi Arabia’s leading commentator was murdered on October 2nd, aged 59


After all the years of hassle, Jamal Khashoggi knew when to stay silent. He was well aware, for example, that the Saudi government’s grand new sewer system in Jeddah was simply manhole covers in the pavements, with no pipes underneath. Such corruption was typical of his country. But as editor of Al-Watan, one of the kingdom’s main newspapers, he did not report on it. At times, too, friends were arrested, and he said nothing. He did not want to lose his job or his freedom. He worried about his family.


Sometimes, for he liked a joke, he could poke a bit of fun. When the government was tying itself in knots over women’s right to drive, he ran a series of columns in Al-Watan imagining what might happen if a girl rode a camel to university. A woman riding a camel was not against the law. So what should be done about her? The next week, the girl was on a bicycle; the next, on a donkey. The same legal loophole raised the same awkward questions.


注:tie (oneself) in(to) knots. 1. To make oneself confused, anxious, worried, and/or upset, as when trying to make a decision, come up with an idea, or resolve an issue. Now don't go tying yourself into knots over the details of your papers—at this point, all you need is a cohesive outline.

Yet they were raised respectfully, by a man who supported the monarchy as instinctively as he picked up his phone. His grandfather had been the doctor of Abdel Aziz bin Saud, the country’s founder, and he himself, reporting from Afghanistan in the 1980s, had worked for Saudi intelligence, getting close to Osama bin Laden to ensure some link, some influence, for the Saudi royal house. This tricky work put him for some years in the princes’ good books.

然而,贾马苏·哈苏吉提出这些问题的时候是作为一名君主制的支持者提出的,并带着极大的敬意。贾马苏·哈苏吉对君主制的支持是本能的,就像他打个电话一样自然。他的父亲曾是沙特创始人Abdel Aziz bin Saud的医生。而他自己从十九世纪八十年代就开始前往阿富汗进行报道,为沙特情报机构工作,甚至接近奥萨马·本拉登(Osama bin Laden)为沙特王室与其建立联系。他完成的这些棘手的工作让他在很长的一段时间内都处于安全状态。

The diplomatic round could easily have been his life. Since he had done business studies in America and spoke pretty good English, he became an adviser to the Saudi ambassador in London and Washington. He had connections with the leaders of Turkey and France, and friends everywhere. In his newspaper years in Jeddah he loved to mingle with foreign journalists, but there was nothing treasonous in this. He could put on several personas, squeezing his bulky form into a natty suit in London and a polo shirt in Washington as well as the flowing white thawb he favoured in the Gulf. His comments on the condition of Saudi Arabia avoided bile or gossip, even when he had enjoyed a drink or two.



1.treasonous adj. 叛逆的;谋反的;having the character of, or characteristic of, a traitor

2.Thawb 阿拉伯长袍

In mid-conversation with non-Muslims he would often break off and disappear to pray. He was observant, but had little taste for the 18th-century Salafi Wahhabism that haunted his country. In his youth he had joined the Muslim Brotherhood as a counterweight to puritanism, and found it a strange contradiction that Saudi Arabia, “the mother of all political Islam”, should want to attack it. For him the Brotherhood was about democracy, even a liberation movement. In the same way he flirted openly with Saudi Arabia’s arch-rival, Qatar, deeply admiring the Al Jazeera news network he hoped to imitate at home. To attack Qatar was to try to crush all expressions of the Arab spring.



1.Salafi Wahhabism沙拉菲瓦哈比教派. It traced radical Sunni Muslim activities in non-Muslim countries to the "jihadi-Salafi" ideology, better known as Wahhabism, created in Saudi Arabia and supported by major extremist resources in Pakistan (the jihadist movement of Mawdudi) and Egypt (the Muslim Brotherhood)


Like so many others, he felt it keenly when that movement flowered and died. Liberalism seldom seemed to enter his life. Growing up in Medina, he saw no women working outside the home. Teenage trips to the makeshift cinema risked exciting the religious police; one friend broke his leg as he jumped from a wall to escape arrest. Freedom of speech would be a long haul. He tried to focus, therefore, on more pressing economic problems: the fact, in particular, that the country’s vast petro-wealth was being squandered on private enrichment, not schools, medium-size enterprises and proper gathering of statistics. The latest book he wanted to write was all about that, not Islamist revolution.



Medina n. 麦地那市(沙特阿拉伯西部城市),麦地那是伊斯兰教第二大圣地,622年穆罕默德在麦加受当地人排挤而避往麦地那,并在当地成立最早的伊斯兰教政权,麦地那成为穆斯林国家的第一个首都。麦加是伊斯兰教最神圣的城市,拥有克尔白和禁寺,是伊斯兰教的圣地,是穆斯林每天朝拜的方向,也是570年,伊斯兰教先知穆罕默德的出生地,是每个穆斯林在一生中必须试图朝圣的宗教中心。推荐阅读《耶路撒冷三千年》,后台回复“耶路撒冷”即可获得。

Increasingly, though, he put his native caution to one side. As the years went on his journalistic career got bumpier, usually because he tried to give a platform to voices from the opposition. He was fired from Al-Watan twice for that, in 2003 and 2010, on orders from the Ministry of Information; in 2015 a Saudi-funded news channel he had set up in Bahrain was closed down the day it opened, for interviewing a local activist. The government later banned him from Twitter, where he had 2m followers, and barred him from writing.


At the Saudi court he had ever fewer friends. Instead, by 2017, he banged up sharply against the new regime of the young crown prince, Muhammad bin Salman. He was told he should be grateful for the prince’s reforms and keep quiet, but he could not make that Faustian bargain, or abide the growing cult of personality and centralised power. Since even his mild criticism was not tolerated, he packed up a couple of cases and left for America.





例子:He said he respects scientists he met from Syngenta, but views collaboration with industry as a Faustian bargain.      From New York Times(Dec 31, 2016)

From Washington he watched as fellow journalists had their homes stormed by security men, who filmed everything and took books, papers and computers away. On his Instagram site he posted photos of the American friends he hoped might protect him while, in columns for the Washington Post, he accused Prince Muhammad (“the Boy”, as he had let slip that other royals called him) of impetuousness, selective justice and behaving like Vladimir Putin. Yet even then he was no dissident, in his own eyes. He really disliked that word. He was simply urging the prince to be enlightened and modern-minded, as any loyal Saudi should be free to.




例子:Yet it is not only Americans who lament the impetuousness of Mr Duterte’s tilt to China: many Filipinos, including senior officials, are worried sick.    From TE(Oct 19, 2016)

Not a morning dawned, however, when he did not miss his country. Washington seemed stiflingly clean. In Istanbul, he found solace in the back garden of an Arabic bookshop and in his love for a Turkish researcher, Hatice Cengiz. Hatice was headscarved and devout; hand in hand they strolled round the city, conversing stiffly in classical Arabic. With three divorces behind him, he had paperwork to do before they could be married, and went to the Saudi consulate to sort it out. He was not heard from again.

每一个清晨,他都无比思念他的祖国。华盛顿干净得似乎令人窒息。他感到欣慰的是,在伊斯坦布尔(Istanbul)一家阿拉伯书店里,他发现了一处让人舒心的后花园;并且爱上了土耳其研究员哈提斯·森吉兹(Hatice Cengiz)。哈提斯戴着头巾,虔诚有度;他们手牵手,在城市里散步,时不时地用古典阿拉伯语漫谈。他此前离过三次婚,在和她结婚之前,还有些手续要办,于是他去沙特领事馆解决此事。但此后他便再也杳无音讯。










Lynn, 非英专,经济学人爱好者








讣告的定义是告知某人去世消息的一种丧葬应用文体,英文的解释也基本一致“a notice of someone's death; usually includes a short biography”。但是这篇文章似乎只写了死者的生平,连明确的死亡都没有提及,只轻描淡写了一句“He was not heard from again”,甚至还不如孔乙己的“我到现在终于没有见——大约孔乙己的确死了”。隐约间似乎想说明这人的生平并不重要,后续才是关键。我大概看懂了一些最后一句“He was not heard from again”用法的含义,因为如果直叙死亡的话就免不了涉及到哪里死的,怎么死的,为什么死的等等之类的描写,但现在这一切都是皇帝的新装,大家都知道答案,却没人可以说出来,相信肯定会有个官方的最终版本,而且以我的愚见,这个版本与事实无关,是各方博弈的结果,要达到各方面都平衡的要求。如此一来,自然TE无法有如此大的能量来写这份材料了,但又不甘心自己没有参与到这么大的热点事件中去,折中的办法就只能是这篇讣告了。






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