
Coronavirus Can Infect Cats

By W. Wayt Gibbs on April 6, 2020

Tigers and lions at the Bronx Zoo have tested positive for the virus, and studies show that house cats—but apparently not dogs—can become infected.

The COVID-19 pandemic has a lot of people stuck at home with their cats—which raises some obvious questions: Can cats catch the new coronavirus from their owners? Can cats spread the disease to each other? And can people get infected by their cats?

Scientists have been so busy studying human-to-human transmission of the virus that few, so far, have looked at how it may be able to spread among cats and the humans they live with. But a few preliminary reports within the past few days suggest that cats can catch COVID-19, probably from humans, and then give it to other cats.

On April 5, the Bronx Zoo announced that four tigers and three lions have developed symptoms of the disease. Scientists at Cornell University and the USDA tested samples from one of the tigers and confirmed that it was infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. And researchers at the University of Illinois looked at the samples and found that the virus in the tiger was genetically indistinguishable from strains seen in humans.

So the tiger must have caught this from a zookeeper—which is a little surprising. I mean, I would think six feet would be a minimum safe distance from a tiger under any circumstance. But perhaps someone coughed on her food.

COVID-19 doesn’t seem to be limited to big cats, either. Two research groups in China recently published studies on house cats in Wuhan and young cats raised in a lab. These preprints have not yet been peer-reviewed, and this is very early science that may well change with further study. That said, their findings are worrisome.

The Wuhan study did blood tests on 102 cats there to see whether any had antibodies to SAR-CoV-2, which would mean that they had been infected with the virus at some point. Fifteen percent of the cats tested positive. Three of those had been living with people who were diagnosed with COVID-19—those three had the most antibodies. The rest of the cats were strays or had been in pet hospitals.

The authors write that “immediate action should be implemented to keep a suitable distance between humans and companion animals such as cats..., and strict hygiene and quarantine measures should also be carried out for these animals.”

In a second study, scientists at a high-containment lab for animal diseases control in Harbin, China, deliberately squirted coronavirus into the noses of cats and other kinds of animals to see whether they became infected. In some good news, they did not see the virus taking hold in dogs, pigs, chickens or ducks. But it did replicate rapidly the respiratory tracts of both cats and ferrets.

Within a few days after infection, all of the cats they inoculated started shedding virus in their feces. The researchers placed an uninfected cat in a cage adjacent to each infected one. One third of those healthy cats then caught the virus from their sick neighbors.

So far, the CDC says, there is no evidence that people can catch COVID-19 from their cats. But absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. So until it’s clearer whether the virus can leap back from cats to their owners, it would seem smart to keep your cats indoors, to wear gloves and a mask when changing the litter box and to avoid kissing or rubbing noses with your little snookums.

---from Scientific American


Cats n. 猫;猫科动物

在美国口语里,老虎经常称作是 big cat(大猫)

house cats 家猫

stuck at home 呆在家里

catch the new coronavirus from their owners从他们的主人那里感染新的冠状病毒

preliminary /prɪˈlɪmɪneri/adj. 初步的;n. 初步行动;预赛,预试

the virus in the tiger was genetically indistinguishable from strains seen in humans.老虎身上的病毒与人类身上的病毒在基因上种群上难以区分。

strains /stren/n. [微] 菌株(strain复数);种族

v. [力] 拉紧;使过度劳累(strain的第三人称单数形式)


These preprints have not yet been peer-reviewed这些预印本还没有经过同行评审

preprints 预印本(preprint的复数形式);出版前的非正式样本;预刊本

worrisome /ˈwɜːrisəm/adj. 令人担心的,使人发愁的,让人焦虑的


at some point 某时;在某一时刻

immediate action should be implemented to keep a suitable distance between humans and companion animals应立即采取行动,在人和动物伙伴之间保持适当的距离

implement /'ɪmplɪmɛnt/n. 工具,器具;手段vt. 实施,执行;实现,使生效

carried out实施;贯彻(carry out 的过去式)

strict hygiene严格的卫生/ˈhaɪdʒiːn/n. 卫生;卫生学;保健法

quarantine measures 检疫措施/ˈkwɔːrəntiːn/n. 检疫隔离期;隔离;检疫;检疫区,隔离区v. 对(动物或人)进行检疫隔离

a high-containment lab一个高级别控制实验室

deliberately/dɪˈlɪbərətli/adv. 故意地;谨慎地;慎重地

squirted/skwɜːrt/v. (使)喷射,喷出

replicate  /ˈreplɪkeɪt/n. 复制品;vt. 复制;折叠

ferrets  /ˈferɪt/n. 雪貂;白鼬

inoculated /ɪnˈɑkjəˌletɪd/adj. 接种过的;注射过预防针的

v. 给…做注射预防针;给…接种(inoculate的过去分词形式)

shedding virus in their feces从它们的粪便中排出病毒

shed  vt. 流出;摆脱

feces/ˈfiːsiːz/n. 排泄物,粪便;渣滓

adjacent to邻近的,毗连的

But absence of evidence is not evidence of absence但是证据的缺乏并不是缺乏证据

leap back往回跳

rubbing noses擦鼻子

snookums [s'nuːkəmz] n. 给小孩、爱人或宠物的昵称



作者:W.Wayt Gibbs,日期:2020年4月6日













