
Q&A Time—About the Past


Q1 Why were you fired?



Answer 1

The broad-based restructuring at my former company resulted in my position being eliminated. However,during my time there I was successful at my job as a department director. I worked very hard and got along well with my colleagues. Now I'm excited about having the opportunity to meet new challenges.


Answer 2

A new manager came in and cleaned house in order to bring in members of his old team. I outlasted several downsizings,but the last one included me. Sign of the times,I guess. It was the manager's right,but it cleared my head to envision better opportunities elsewhere. The opportunity we're discussing seems to be made for me,and I hope to eventually grow into a position of responsibility.


Answer 3

Although circumstances caused me to leave my last job. I was very successful in school and got along well with both students and faculty. Perhaps I didn't fully understand my boss's expectations. I certainly don't know why he released me before I had a chance to prove myself. Being cut loose was a blessing in disguise,though. Now I have an opportunity to explore jobs that better suit my qualifications and interests.


Answer 4

My boss and I were unable to work effectively together. I have thought about this a great deal,and I can understand now what went wrong. I did not have a clear understanding of the task expectations. I should have asked for further clarification. I have learned from this,and I am positive about being able to make a valuable contribution to this organization.


Answer 5

Certain personal problems,which I now have solved,unfortunately upset my work life. But that job was a learning experience,and I think I'm wiser now. These problems no longer exist,and I'm up and running strong to exceed expectations in my new job. I’d like the chance to prove that to you.


Answer 6

My competencies were 'not the right match for my previous employer's needs,but it looks like they'd be a good fit in your organization. I have discovered so much about myself and developed a number of skills dealing with all the challenges I faced. IN addition to marketing and advertising. I believe skills in promotion will be valued here.


Q 2 Why did you leave your last job?



Answer 1

I was desperate for work and took the wrong job without looking around the corner. I won't make that mistake again. I'd prefer an environment that is congenial,structured and team-oriented. Where my best talents can shine and I can make a substantial contribution.


Answer 2

There was a great deal of uncertainty about the security of my previous job. I am looking for a stable company where there is a long-term opportunity to grow and advance.


Answer 3

I have reached the ceiling in my particular job,and I am ready for more responsibility. I am interested in an opportunity to use the skills and abilities I have developed over the last couple of years in a new and challenging position;


Answer 4

After a number of years in my last position,I believed that I had reached the ceiling. I need to make a career move. I am now looking for a new experience where I can contribute and grow in a bigger environment.


Answer 5

In all honesty. I wasn't really looking to move jobs. But this looks like such a great opportunity to use my skills and experience. I have always admired this company.



I recently received my degree,and I want to utilize my educational background in my next position.


Answer 7

I was spending hours each day commuting. I would prefer to be closer to home.


Answer 8

I am relocating to this area for family reasons and left my job to make this move.


Q 3 What didn't you like about your previous job?



Answer 1

There was a Lack of growth,opportunities,as the company was quite small. One of the reasons I am so interested in your company is that it is a much bigger organization with formal career planning structures in place.


Answer 2

There was very little opportunity for me to use my initiative. I regard this as one of my strengths. I found it frustrating that I was unable to get past the bureaucracy of such a big company to implement any improvements. That is why I am enthusiastic about working for a smaller company like this one,which I know will encourage employees to use their initiative.


Answer 3

I've given this question some thought,and overall I've been very satisfied with my jobs. I've been able to work with some really interesting people. But I have to say that I did have a job where there was an inordinate amount of paperwork. Because working with people is my strength,the paperwork really bogged me down at times.


Answer 4

As a fresh face in the working world,the company offers a great opportunity for a good entry level position. However,after being there for so many years,I felt I was not able to reach my full potential because of the lack of challenges. I also didn't think there was room for advancement in the company. I did enjoy working there and appreciate the skills I developed while with the company. But I feel my skill set can be better utilized elsewhere,where my capabilities are more recognized and there is the opportunity for growth?


Q 4 What did you like about your previous job?



Answer 1

I liked the professional attitude and the workplace environment that was provided for me. I enjoyed having to use my initiative. I implemented and improved a number of systems,including the order processing system.


Answer 2

I loved my boss,who recently retired. He was a terrific guy to work for,and I'll miss working for him. I enjoyed the people I worked with and felt I was very productive. It was a friendly and fun atmosphere,and I actually enjoyed going into work each morning.


Answer 3

I felt the leadership team was great. They knew all of their employees on a first-name basis and tried to make personal/connections. I also enjoyed the fact that the office tried to do community outreach with local organizations


Answer 4

I appreciated the close-knit interpersonal communications between managers and employees. The company believed in their employees and seemed to really think about my future growth and professional progress. The company constantly asked for feedback to improve job performance and to help achieve corporate goals.


Q 5 What were your responsibilities?



Answer 1

My top three responsibilities were to account for all cash,checks and credit card receipts at the end of my shift and balance those with what our management information system calculated. I was responsible for auditing the cycle counts of all merchandise in my area,and I also trained newcomers to the company.


Answer 2

Working as a secretary,I make professional phone calls to clients and customers,answer the phone and transfer calls. Providing information about the business to clients and customers is also one of my responsibilities. I'm able to use the computer. copy machine and other office equipment. I also need to write letters and schedule meetings for my boss.


Answer 3

I am a public relations coordinator with five years of experience in this field.I am responsible for managing effectively the communications of our clients,including press releases,presentations and speeches.I also coordinate events,conduct market research.and create marketing or communication plans in both English and French.Being extroverted,a team player,and a leader at the same time have made me successful at what I do.


Answer 4

As a sales manager,I'm responsible for directing our company's sales program. I usually assign sales territories,set goals and establish training programs for our sales representatives. I also advise our sales representatives on ways to improve their sales performance,achieve goals and obtain expected quotas.


Q 6 How would you describe your boss?



Answer 1

My manager had a good combination of professionalism and the personal touch. Having risen from an entry-level employee,he knew most of the problems that employees faced. He was a good leader and had strong communication skills.



Answer 2

I've learned a lot from my boss. He motivated me to come up with new ideas and always provided helpful feedback. He always set,changed, evaluated and monitored our work goals to improve our bottom line.


Answer 3

My manager was very experienced. He had managed a number of large programs in the preceding 8 years. He liked his staff to be able to work independently,and I had to learn quickly to become independent while analyzing problems and finding solutions.


Answer 4

My last boss was terrific. He was very creative and offered opportunities to improve my learning. He always made time to listen to employee concerns and was a strong leader. There was a high level of trust between us,and each of us knew what to expect from the other.


Q 7 When was the last time you were angry?What happened?



Answer 1

I'm good at working on a team,but it can be frustrating when people did not cooperate. But never get angry with my team members.


Answer 2

Anger to me means loss of control. I do not lose control. When I get stressed,I step back,take a deep breath,thoughtfully think through the situation,and then begin to formulate a plan of action.


Answer 3

I don't remember when the last time was. Anger is something I have learned to control over time. When I am about to get angry,I simply take a step back,take a deep breath,drink a bit of water,and I am fine thereafter.


Answer 4

Our lives are not only determined by what happens to us,but by how we react to what happens. I think being angry is totally wrong. I don't want to be a loser,and I've learned how to control my anger.


Q 8 What is the most difficult situation you have faced in a workplace?



Answer 1

One of our team members left us because we couldn't reach an agreement on the task we were running. Even though it was difficult when she quit without notice,we still managed to rearrange the department workload to cover the position until a replacement was hired. Everyone was very busy then,but somehow it helped strengthen our abilities.


Answer 2

Once,we were faced with a sudden order increase for our new product. It was for a new customer. I immediately sat down with the production supervisor,our materials manager,and the union steward. We were able to lay out a workable plan that maximized hourly labor costs,guaranteed materials were available and,with only a slight adjustment,met the production deadline. While it was challenging and involved long hours,the pay-off was a signed contract with a new customer.


Answer 3

When I was working on a software implementation team,we took over another company and had to transit many clients to a new product in a short amount of time. It took a lot of planning,time,hard work and effort,but we were able to complete the project in a timely manner.


Answer 4

My department manager asked me to investigate a bottleneck in the production line. I did some research and suggested a redesign of the department layout so that the production units were in a more efficient sequence. It worked so well,increasing production by up to 20 percent, that my layout design has been adopted by all our branches.


Q 9 What was your greatest achievement at your previous job?



Answer 1

One time,a new software development project was running behind. I took the initiative and interacted with the team members. We successfully started its development,solved the issues and delivered it on time.


Answer 2

My greatest achievement would likely be when I was able to complete the entire years’ worth of tax calculations,including extra quality checks,a full month before deadline. It freed up time to get started on the next year's balances and saved the company roughly $50,000 in excess work.


Answer 3

We were on the verge of losing a client with whom we had been doing business for years. I discussed the problems with the customer. We changed our account handling procedures and were successful in keeping the business.


Q 10 Give us examples of teamwork in the workplace.



Answer 1

As a project leader,I have had a variety of experiences dealing with project issues.Whenever

I have faced a problem that requires a solution,I have collected data related to the issue,figured out the causes,and consulted with team members for solutions.When I have obtained neutral views of the issue,I have tried to resolve it in such a manner that I will continue keeping a keen eye on the solution and the betterment of the product.

作为一个项目领导者,我有很多处理项目问题的经验。每当遇到问题,需要谋求解决方案时,我都会搜集与问题相关的资料,找出原因所在,并与组员探讨解决方案。当对问题看法不确定时,我都会采取这种方式, 并时刻关注解决方案和产品的改善。

Answer 2

In my last position,I was part of a software implementation team. We all worked together to plan and manage the implementation schedule,to provide customer training and to ensure a smooth transition for our customers. Our team always completed our projects ahead of schedule,with very positive reviews from our clients.


Answer 3

I was part of a team responsible for evaluating and selecting a new vendor for our office equipment and supplies. The inter-departmental team reviewed options,compared pricing and service, chose a vendor and implemented the transition to the new vendor.


Answer 4

Our team was responsible for achieving the highest productivity for the company with the given resources. Therefore,we had to ensure that all the provided resources were at their optimum performance. We would hold meetings from time to time to ensure that any issues that our team members faced were resolved without any losses to either the company or the product that was being currently worked on.


Q 11 What have you done to develop your skills?



Answer 1

I enrolled myself in a course in Visual Basic after work hours. The teacher of the course was very professional and experienced,and he really helped me a lot.

我在工作结束后去上一些有关Visual Basic的课程。授课老师很专业,也很有经验,我受益匪浅。

Answer 2

I believe that learning is a continual process. With that in mind,I engaged myself in reading and surfing the net to explore new and bright ideas and re-create them to help build a new system for myself.


Answer 3

I subscribed to job-related magazines for keeping me informed with newer studies in the subject.


Answer 4

I have always selected jobs that help me acquire new skills,to get an edge in software programming.


Q 12 Describe your communication skills.



Answer 1

I have had issues with peers,which is common in a professional workforce. However. I have always endeavored to solve the problems without any repercussions. I always believe that conversation is the best way to solve any issues,and I have always had dialogues with any peer who has had an issue with me. I consider his/her point of view and the project goals before I take the conversation ahead.


Answer 2

When there are disagreements among my team members,I usually don't pay attention to the issue for the first few days. I have faith in the professionalism of my team partners. However. if the problem is not solved over a period of time,I make sure that I speak to any and all team members who are involved in the issue,to try to iron out an amicable solution with dialogue between them.


Answer 3

I'm an extroverted person,so I always take the initiative to solve issues with my co-workers. I like to have an excellent professional relationship with my co-workers,which fits quite nicely with the company environment. People assist one another. We work as a team to solve problems and learn new skills to reach our team objectives.


Answer 4

For any disagreement between team members,I am the mediator. I will set a behavioral code if necessary. I believe that I should be a cohesive force between all the team members. I first get a lowdown on the actual problem and try to work out a solution to the conflict. Most conflicts can be worked out,if the right amount of time is given.


Q 13 What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of working in a team?



Answer 1

There are many advantages of teamwork. As the old saying goes,"Two heads are better than one." Of course,with more minds set on a specific goal,you have access to more ideas. Looking at things from the perspective of others can increase the likelihood of quality innovation.


Answer 2

Teams create an environment of support and propel people toward implementation. A team environment can boost the confidence of individuals,allowing them to do their best-work.


Answer 3

Good teams make the most of individual talents. Where one member may be weak,another might be strong,and working together they provide the perfect resource for an organization. Teams can create better communication and respectful relationships among employees.


Answer 4

For every advantage of working in a team,as there is the flip side. Just as "two heads are better than one",as we've all heard,"too many chefs spoil the broth". Basically,there are just too many people,too many ideas,and too many "experts" to come to an agreement and achieve a good result. It is simply why we have to constantly be reminded that there is no "I" in team.


Answer 5

When people can't leave their egos behind,conflict and resentment arises. People become unwilling to open their minds to other perspectives and are intent on either forcing their point of view or not cooperating with others. The more conflict, the less innovation, and the farther the team gets from implementation and meeting goals.


Answer 6

While a team has the potential to boost the individual members, if it is not functioning properly it can make some members feel inferior and unimportant. They contribute less and 'are discouraged from accessing their strong qualities. How much each person is contributing becomes the focus of the individuals. Relationships and communication worsen. The team is unsuccessful, and the individuals walk away worse off than when they started.


Q 14 What experience do you have?



Answer 1

I spent three years in sales at my previous company.Back then,I focused on growing customer base in the south and increased sales by 50% over a three-year period.


Answer 2

I worked hard to develop my computer skills in my last job,and this helped me to process customer management data more efficiently. I asked the company to send me on a training program to master the software,and it really paid off.


Answer 3

In my previous position,I worked as part of a team on a number of projects. A big project I was involved with at my previous company was writing a new safety policy. It was a really in-depth project, so I put together a safety review committee. We worked together for a month to identify the safety needs of the various departments and what procedures would meet those needs. Our policy has been well accepted,and safety problems have decreased in all areas.


Answer 4

I pride myself on my customer service skills,and my ability to resolve what could be difficult situations. I have exceeded my sales goals every quarter and I've earned a bonus each year since I started with my current employer. My time management skills are excellent,and I'm organized and efficient and take pride in excelling at my work.


Q 15 How do you handle pressure and stress?



Answer 1

Stress is very important to me. With stress,I do the best possible job. The appropriate way to deal with stress is to make sure I have the correct balance between good stress and bad stress. I need good stress to stay motivated and productive.


Answer 2

I find that when I'm under the pressure of a deadline,I can do some of my most creative work. I've done some of my best work under tight deadlines,where the atmosphere was very stressful.


Answer 3

I'm not a person who has a difficult time with stress. When I'm under pressure,I focus and get the job done. I'm the kind of person who stays calm under pressure,and handles stress fairly easily.


Answer 4

I plan and react to situations,not to pressure and stress. The best way to handle problems is to deflate them as quickly as possible with calm and diligent work-one step at a time. That way,the situation is handled and doesn't become stressful.


Answer 5

Pressure and stress are part of the working world. I thrive under pressure. I bend and work harder,but I don't break. I find it exhilarating to be in a dynamic,challenging environment where the pressure is on.


Answer 6

From a personal perspective,I manage stress by visiting the gym every evening. It's a great stress reducer.


Q 16 What was the most and least rewarding about your job?



Answer 1

The most rewarding part was that the skills and technology I learned will follow me wherever I go. However,I am a relational person,and the job didn't deal with many people. Also,doing the same job every week can be boring.


Answer 2

I worked as an engineer in the commercial construction industry. The most rewarding part was seeing my hard work come to life in a way that affected the people who occupy the offices and schools that I helped design. The least rewarding aspect of my last job was my supervisor's failures in acknowledging great work.


Answer 3

I enjoyed helping the clients identify their business challenges as well as assisting them in designing and implementing solutions. However,being abused by fussy customers was one of the least rewarding aspects.


Answer 4

The most rewarding part of my last job was that it allowed me to really expand my experience and knowledge by seeing all sides of projects. My managers would make sure that each person would rotate technologies between projects. However,I didn't think the payment was appropriate.




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