stand up这个短语大家都认识,比较常见的意思是“起立、站着”。如果一直让某人在约会地点“站着”,而自己却不去赴约,可不就是放鸽子了嘛~stand someone up是“放某人鸽子”,get/be stood up是“被人放鸽子”。我们先来看两个例句:Alex was supposed to be here at eleven , so by eleven thirty I began to think that he stood me up.亚历克斯应该十一点钟到这里,所以到十一点三十分时,我开始觉得他放我鸽子了。Mary got stood up by the blind date.玛丽被约相亲对象放鸽子了。在美剧《破产姐妹》中,Sophie和Caroline对话时就出现了这个表达:Sophie: That's a no-show. You've just got stood up. You got stood up somethin' awful.Caroline: I did not get stood up. I've never been stood up.-那看来是不来了。你被人放鸽子啦。被人狠狠地放了鸽子。-我才不是被放鸽子,我从来没被人放过鸽子。
也有些人约会从不迟到,每一次都非常的准时,那么“准时、守时”又该怎么说呢?正确的表达是:on time或者punctual. 我们来看两个例句:If you can't arrive there on time, you should warn them.如果你不能按时到达,应该预先通知他们。He's fairly punctual, so you can rest assured.他相当准时的,所以你完全可以放心。
在表示某人拥有“守时”这种品质时,我们可以用punctual的名词形式: punctuality /ˌpʌŋktʃuˈæləti/在美剧《生活大爆炸》中,Amy在介绍瑞典时,就用到了这个单词:If you follow a few easy steps, a Swede can be your friend for life. In Sweden, punctuality is taken very seriously.如果你遵照以下简单几步,瑞典人也可以成为你的终生朋友。在瑞典,守时是十分重要的。