
What's In A Name: Tech Talk


In the modern world we occupy, tech company names like Google, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay and others are a part of our daily life and conversations. Some of them, like Google, become synonymous with the act itself. If you need to search something, you “just Google it,” which is much like what happened to Xerox when copiers came into vogue. Have you ever stopped to consider where some of these names came from, and what their meanings are? Take a look!


1. Google(谷歌)

As we all know, this company has pretty much redefined how people get things done on a day-to-day basis. But Google wasn't its original name. The Google corporate history mentions that in 1996, Stanford students Larry Page and Sergei Brin created a search engine and called it “BackRub.” Their first logo was Larry Page's hand.

Google的诞生,改变了我们的生活。但是,大家可能不知道的是,Google最初并不叫Google,而是BackRub,而且它的logo也不是如今的模样,而是其创始人Larry Page的手掌图样。

The name Google is a play on the mathematical term “googol,” which is a 1 followed by 100 zeros—and it was a total accident. As the story goes, Page was in his Stanford office with some other grad students. One of them, Sean Anderson, suggested “Googolplex” and Page liked the shortened version, “Googol.” Anderson then did a domain name search, but spelled it “Google,” and that domain was available. Page snagged it, and that got the ball rolling.

Google其实是数学里的概念googol(古戈尔,即十的一百次方),Google公司的命名纯属偶然。据说,有一天当Larry Page和一些研究生待在办公室时,有个叫Sean Anderson的学生建议公司命名为Googolplex,而Page偏好的是其缩略形式Googol。于是,Anderson就用Googol搜索域名,但他输入的是Google,结果发现有这个域名可用,于是Page就拍板启用Google这个名字了!

2. Yahoo(雅虎)

Like Google, this venerable (and beleaguered) web portal was created in January of 1994 by a pair of Stanford grad students, Jerry Yang and David Filo. Original name: “Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web.” Just a few months later, they changed the name to Yahoo. The “backcronym” for this is “Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle.” According to the History of Yahoo Wikipedia entry, “they insisted they had selected the name because they liked the word's general definition, as in Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift: ‘rude, unsophisticated, uncouth.'”

Yahoo最初名叫“Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web”,后来改为了Yahoo。而这个词其实最早出现在斯威夫特的《格利佛游记》,指一种粗俗、低级的人形动物。两位创始人“反其义而用之”,重新给这个名字做了定义,即Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle。其含义是:在强调平权的因特网上,大家都是乡吧佬——这简直是神谕(oracle)!

The Yahoo name is about to change, however. According to NPR, if the sale of core assets to Verizon goes through, what's left will be called “Altaba,” which is a combination of the words “Alternate” and “Alibaba.” The New York Times mentions that “Altaba” is very close to the name “Al-Taba,” which is the name of a scissors maker in Pakistan.



3. eBay(易贝)

Another website that has changed the way people buy and sell online, eBay's name is merely a shortened version of the founder's first choice. Wikipedia says when Pierre Omidyar was launching the site, it was owned by his consulting firm, “Echo Bay Technology Group.” However, when he tried for that domain name, it was already taken by Echo Bay Mines, a gold mining company. So he just shortened it down to his second choice, eBay.

eBay的名字来源倒是更具个人色彩。据Wikipedia记载,eBay创始人Pierre Omidyar当初准备启用网站时,发现这个原本属于他的咨询公司的域名原来早就被一个叫做Echo Bay Mines的淘金公司给占有了。于是,Pierre干脆就把公司域名简称为eBay了。


3. Apple(苹果)

Cult Of Mac cites the definitive Steve Jobs bio from Walter Isaacson for the answer to this one. Walter says about Steve, “on the naming of Apple, he said he was ‘on one of my fruitarian diets.’ He said he had just come back from an apple farm, and thought the name sounded ‘fun, spirited and not intimidating.'”


Whether you find apples intimidating or otherwise is a personal inclination, but either way, the name isn't going anywhere. It's particularly fascinating when a brand takes a word, especially an unrelated noun, that already has a definition and then makes it their own.


4. Amazon(亚马逊)

The ubiquitous e-tailer was almost called “Cadabra,” as in “Abracadabra.” Mashable says Bezos then went with “Amazon” after his lawyer thought he said “Cadaver,” which would easily have gone down as the worst start-up name ever. The story mentions that the name “Amazon” suggests a large scale, and since website listings were often A-Z back in the day, “Amazon” would be towards the top of the list. Wikipedia also says Bezos considered calling it “Relentless” but friends thought that was “sinister.” Bezos bought the domain anyway, and it still redirects to Amazon. Bonus factoid: the smile in their logo refers to the fact they sell everything from A-Z.



5. Skype

When the makers of the popular video chat program were trying to come up with a name, Mental Floss says they came up with “Sky peer to peer.” That was shortened to “Skyper” but that domain was taken. You see a pattern- if you have an idea for a new product, grab the domain before you've even made the product! So it was.


只是,Skype公司的创始人当初命名是原本是想取义于“Sky peer to peer”,并简称为Skyper。然而,当他准备注册域名时,发现下手还是晚了,于是才有了Skype——原本想要的r没了!



