球场如戏,全凭演技 内马尔4场比赛躺地14分钟!



背景音乐:澤野弘之 - The Brave


Brazilian star Neymar has drawn attention in the World Cup for two separate dives that fans call "Oscar-worthy." Now Swiss broadcasting group RTS has added up the minutes the forward has spent down on the ground in this tournament after various injuries or, uh, "injuries."

And it's a pretty big number: Almost 14 minutes.

Fox Sports:

His theatrics have been widely condemned, and now a study has found Neymar has spent a combined 14 minutes writhing and rolling on the ground during the World Cup.


Daily Mail:

Neymar has won few fans with his antics at the World Cup in Russia and a new statistic is unlikely to win the Brazil star any more.

The Paris Saint-Germain forward has been slated, especially in Britain, for diving and exaggerating fouls during the tournament.

draw attention 引起注意

dive 假摔

add up… 把…加在一起

theatrics 夸张的表演

condemn 谴责;指责

writhe (因痛苦或不适)扭动身体

roll 翻滚;打滚

antic 古怪、滑稽的动作和行为

forward 前锋

be slated 遭受严厉批评

exaggerate 使…夸张

foul 犯规

