英语原版阅读与写作:Indoor fun




watching films 看电影

watching TV 看电视

action films 动作电影

adventure films 冒险的电影

children's programmes 孩子们的节目

dramas 戏剧

comedies 喜剧

cartoons 漫画


1.My favourite TV programme is 'Superhero'.


TV programme 电视节目 favourite TV programme 最喜欢的电视节目 My favourite TV programme 我最喜欢的电视节目

2.It is a cartoon.


3.I like it because it is funny.


4.My brother and I often go to the cinema at weekends.


go to the cinema 去看电影
at weekends 在周末

5.We like watching adventure films.


adventure films 冒险电影 watching adventure films 看冒险电影 like watching adventure films 喜欢看冒险电影

6.They are exciting.



My favourite TV programme is 'Superhero'. It is a cartoon. I like it because it is funny.

My brother and I often go to the cinema at weekends. We like watching adventure films. They are exciting.


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