Scorpions《Still Loving You》






名:《Still Loving You》


词曲Rudolf Schenker ,Klaus Meine

流派 摇滚



[Verse 1]

Time, it needs time

To win back your love again

I will be there, I will be there

Love, only love

Can bring back your love someday

I will be there, I will be there

I'll fight, babe, I'll fight

To win back your love again

I will be there, I will be there

Love, only love

Can break down the wall someday

I will be there, I will be there


If we'd go again

All the way from the start

I would try to change

The things that killed our love

Your pride has built a wall, so strong

That I can't get through

Is there really no chance

To start once again

I'm still loving you

[Verse 2]

Try, baby, try

To trust in my love again

I will be there, I will be there

Love, our love

Just shouldn't be thrown away

I will be there, I will be there


If we'd go again

All the way from the start

I would try to change

The things that killed our love

Your pride has built a wall, so strong

That I can't get through

Is there really no chance

To start once again

If we'd go again

All the way from the start

I would try to change

The things that killed our love

Yes, I've hurt your pride, and I know

What you've been through

You should give me a chance

This can't be the end

I'm still loving you

I’m still loving you

I'm still loving you

I'm still loving you

I'm still loving you

I'm still loving you, I need your love

I'm still loving you



今天分享一首Scorpions(蝎子乐队)的《Still Loving You》。

《Still Loving You》是一首充满力量的抒情歌曲,也是蝎子乐队1984年专辑《Love at First Sting》中的代表作。这是专辑的第二首单曲,在公告牌百强单曲榜上排名64。这首歌在世界各地都登上了排行榜。这首歌在法国特别受欢迎,登上了排行榜第一名。而且引发了婴儿潮(baby boom)。

蝎子乐队吉他手Rudolf Schenker在采访中说:这首爱之歌在法国引发了婴儿潮。但我们也不相信,你知道吗?当时我们在法国的一个电视节目中,主持人是一个非常有名的人,他每年都会采访我们,他说,‘嘿,伙计们,你们知道你们得对85年的婴儿潮负有责任。“我们都笑疯了!”真的,这是政府调查结果。但我告诉你,真是难以置信。
这是一首关于爱和痛苦,以及希望人生再获得一次机会的感人歌曲。在对蝎子乐队吉他手Rudolf Schenker的采访中,他解释道:
我想出了乐曲的旋律和所有的一切。但这首歌花了大约6年的时间才以某种方式被收录到专辑中。首席吉他手 Matthias Jabs加入了后演奏了吉他部分,整个感觉马上就到位了。主唱Klaus Meine发现后,想写一些非常特别的东西。他告诉我,有一天他走到雪地里的田野里,就在那时,他想到了歌词。这是一个关于爱情的故事,他们意识到这段恋情可能会结束,但想再试一次。这是古老的故事,不过什么不是老故事呢?这并不是多此一举。我们经常做的,就是用自己的方式,说一些已经说过很多次的话。
这首歌是以渐强的方式写成:平静的原声开始,然后是强力的和弦,接着是主唱Klaus Meine用充满痛苦的声音演唱。
