R数据分析:什么是人群归因分数Population Attributable Fraction
PAF; the proportionof cases of depression that could be prevented if the influence of loneliness was removed
(Also called the Population Attributable Proportion or Attributable Proportion Among the Total Population)
PAF is the estimated fraction of all cases that would not have occurred if there had been no exposure
where O and E refer to the observed number of cases and the expected number of cases under no exposure, respectively


We can use valid estimates of hazard ratio (or rate ratio) from cohort studies or odds ratio from case-control studies instead of RR in the Miettinen PAF formula if the outcome is uncommon.
The relative risk is often approximated by the odds ratio e.g. in cross-sectional studies.

Af.cs estimates the attributable fraction for a binary outcome Y under the hypothetical scenario where a binary exposure X is eliminated from the population. The estimate is adjusted for confounders Z by logistic regression (glm). Let the AF be defined as AF = 1 - Pr(Y0 = 1) / Pr(Y = 1) where Pr(Y0 = 1) denotes the counterfactual probability of the outcome

AF.cs_est <- AF.cs(formula = Y ~ X + Z + X * Z, data = data, exposure = "X")

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