Astronomy Picture of the Day——广袤的日冕

The Big Corona
Image Credit & Copyright: P. Horálek,Z. Hoder, M. Druckmüller, P. Aniol, S. Habbal / Solar Wind Sherpas
Explanation: Most photographs don\'tadequately portray the magnificence of the Sun\'s corona. Seeing the coronafirst-hand during a total solar eclipse is unparalleled. The human eye canadapt to see coronal features and extent that average cameras usually cannot.Welcome, however, to the digital age. The featured central image digitallycombined short and long exposures that were processed to highlight faint andextended features in the corona of the total solar eclipse that occurred inAugust of 2017. Clearly visible are intricate layers and glowing caustics of anever changing mixture of hot gas and magnetic fields in the Sun\'s corona.Looping prominences appear bright pink just past the Sun\'s limb. Faint detailson the night side of the New Moon can even be made out, illuminated by sunlightreflected from the dayside of the Full Earth. Images taken seconds before andafter the total eclipse show glimpses of the background Sun known as Baily\'sBeads and Diamond Ring. Tomorrow, a new total solar eclipse will be visiblefrom parts of South America.
Astronomy Picture of the Day——时长越来越长的白昼