

(1) telephone ['telifəun] v.打电话 n.电话 【tele-=far远;“远距离传过来的声音”。】

(2) television ['teliviʒən] n.电视【缩写TV】

(3) telecommunication ['telikəmju:ni'keiʃən] n.电信,远距离通信

(4) telegram ['teligræm] n. 电报

(5) telegraph ['teligrɑ:f] v. (拍) 电报

(6) telescope ['teliskəup] n. 望远镜【scope=look看;“能够看到远处的设备”】

(7) tele-surgery ['teli'sə:dʒəri] n.远距离外科手术【surgery ['sə:dʒəri] n.外科, 外科手术】


1. I telephoned to thank her. 我打电话向她道谢.

2. His first film was shown on television this weekend.他的第一部电复印件周末在电视上播放.

3. The telecommunication service is a government monopoly. 电信为政府专营.

4. Can you make sense of this telegram? 你搞得懂这电报的意思吗?

5. He sent me the news by wireless telegraph. 他用无线电报把消息告诉我.

6. I saw them through telescopes from the top of the building.我从大楼的顶端用望远镜看到了他们.

7. Each city has its own telesurgery outpatient clinic now.每个城市都拥有自己的远程手术门诊部.

8. Surgery lasts from 9 am to 10 am. 外科手术从上午九点做到十点.

