今天出的考研国考卷子:一问一答中产生新的思维意识:汉家天下,攻城,降者不杀,投降免死,从士兵到伍长,千夫长,将军,消灭异性诸侯,和匈奴,兵强伐将,将智伐情,既要懂军事,又要懂政治,地利,古希腊,地理,天时,天文,生物,化学,物理,墨家,数学,易经,打完仗,领军响,齐回家乡,老婆孩子热炕头,儒家,道家,郡县制,替天子司牧一方,军政,财政,法律,教育,宗教,哲学,科学,大学,人口,土地,技术,企业。改变身边环境,化不利为有利,创业本来就很糟糕,打工本身比创业更糟糕。苗芽菜,生产周期短,回本快,苗雅人,人工智能,解放人体脑力劳动,线下真人老师辅助。学习旅游,休闲旅游,商务旅游。一线市场开辟:电商,服务器,程序软件,大数据云计算,客户资料整理。公务员考试,笔试,面试,考过了,坐在办公室里,喝水,下班,看文件,报纸,未来市场趋势,授权,印章。In the Han family, siege the city, the surrender will not kill, surrender and avoid death, from soldiers to corps captains, commanders, generals, annihilation of the princes of the opposite sex, and the Xiongnu. You must understand politics, geography, time, after the war, lead the army, go home together, wives and children hot on the bed, county system, minister to the emperor, military administration, finance, law, education, religion, philosophy, science, university, Population, land, technology. Changing the surrounding environment, turning disadvantages into advantages, starting a business is inherently bad, and part-time job itself is worse than starting a business. Miao sprouts, short production cycle, quick return on costs, Miao Ya people, artificial intelligence, liberate human brain work, offline real teacher assistance. Study travel, leisure travel, business travel. First-line market development: e-commerce, server, program software, big data cloud computing.