这个纪录片底稿在2015年曾修改过无数次,这个版本似乎不是最终的。为了压缩到10000字以内,最后修改得面目全非,不过上传的这个稿子还是比较丰满的。核心就是这些,依然会大修。有各种意见可以及时向我反馈。我们现在正在商议以什么形式拍,欢迎大家投票。 另外,公号许多图片不能接受,所以文中图片并非原配,也不是原先配的,而是随便找来的,有些甚至空缺。
The First Story: Gauguin's Questions
高更有幅名画——《我们从哪里来,我们是谁,我们到哪里去?》。屈原也 有《天问》。这些都是著名的哲学命题。在古代,这些问题很难回答,但在今天 似乎有了初步的答案。
In 1897, Paul Gauguin, a French painter, drew a famous painting: Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going? These philosophical questions used to be very difficult to answer, but now they are just a cup of tea.
1. Climate and Birth of Mankind
1.1 气候变化是自然规律
1.1 Climate Change Is the Natural Law
科学家们推测,宇宙诞生于大约 145 亿年前,100 亿年之后,也就是大约 45 亿年前地球诞生了。
Scientists believe that the Universe was created by a BIG BANG happened in 14.5 billion years ago. Yet, our Earth was formed in about 10 billion years later. In other words, the Earth has 4.5 billion years old already.

刚开始地球是 个炽热的大铁球, 也没有氧气,也不 可能有生命。后来 经过了几亿年,接 近今天的地球环境 逐渐形成,开始出 现了最原始的分子 和细胞,这是 38.5 亿年前的事情。但 是至今对于地球生 命的起源,是外星 空飞带来的灰尘,还是自生,没有结论。大约从 5.7 亿年前开始,有看得见的生 命出现,所谓显生宙是也。
In the very beginning, the Earth was a hot big iron ball where there was no oxygen, to say nothing of life. Hundreds of millions of years later, the global environment close to that we have today gradually came into being. The most primitive molecules and cells appeared in our Earth about 3.85 billion years ago. But so far there is no consensus on the origin of the life of earth. The phanerozoic eon when lives were visible started around 0.57 billion years ago.
但地球环境依然不稳 定,2 亿多年前发生了著名 的”大陆漂移“ 。它意味着, 从此之后,各个大陆的生物 进化因为地理隔绝会发生 一些差别。
The Earth, however, was yet to be stabilized and over 0.2 billion years ago the continents began to drift away from one another. The continental drift would bring about differences in biological evolution on individual continents.
气候一直是影响地球生命进化的重要因素。科学家们观察到,地球经历过一 系列的冷暖周期变化。
Climate change that draws the attention of all today has been profoundly affecting the evolution of life. Scientists note that the earth has been witnessing regular climate changes. We have four seasons of which cold winter gives places to warm summer in a year. However, there have been many “years” with different time scales, the shortest “year” being 24 hours and the longest persisting for as long as billions of years. Some even believe that there used to be at least 16 types of years.
( 奥陶纪以来的气温变化 / Temperature from Ordovician )
Climate catastrophes would bring about changes in the appearance of the Earth and rises of sea level were often the result of climate changes. Climate catastrophes would sometimes cause mass extinction..

包括人类,许多生物进化就都是在温暖 期开始发力进化的。现在很多人拒绝地球变 暖,这其实是没有道理的。地球变暖不仅是 自然规律,而且很多时候是好现象。
( In fact the idea of Albert Arnold Gore Jr. about climate change was incorrect. Carbon dioxide did not cause any rise in temperature on the earth. The blue line indicates the changes in temperature in the past 650000 years. The red line shows that carbon dioxide didn’t push up it. )

戈尔在《难以忽视的真相》中曾经向我们展示过这幅 65 万年长度的气温变 化图,但今天气温(蓝色线)并不是其中最高的,并且二氧化碳(红色线)升高 也并没有拉高气温过界。可是戈尔竟然认为二氧化碳可以促进温度上升,看来这 并不是事实。工业化之前的原始时期二氧化碳很可能是地球变暖催化的,而非相 反。起码,二氧化碳不是提升气温的主要因素,那么单纯用减排来阻止气候变暖 的思路也应该受到质疑。 大家现在都知道地球变暖的一大危害是海平面提高。今天地球变暖的预测说 大海会淹没北京、上海一带,那真是小 CASE。一般温热时期海平面上升,寒冷 时期海平面下降。海平面起伏最多可以达到两三百米的高度,所以几亿年前海岸 线曾经就在河南中原一带。而海平面下降时也曾经导致中国东海完全消失,从上海可以直接走到韩国与日本,这样的事情仅仅发生在 2 万年前。所以,不能把一 切气候问题都推给工业污染。地球冷暖是自然规律,目前我们对待地球变暖的思 维很有些“人定胜天”的意味,这需要得到足够的警惕。应对气候变化带来的灾 害是应该的,环保理念也是好的,但要理性对待。

( 海平面上升100米后的世界地图)
地球最冷的时期是雪球期,即便赤道也会大雪纷飞,其他地方就更是冰天雪 地。动物没有取暖能力,雪球期食物链也会断绝,所以就会普遍发生灭绝。
The most severe ice age in the history of Earth, a period of total glaciation, is known as Snowball Earth. During ice ages, animals couldn’t find food and would die of starvation. Most animals like warm weather.
我们总是在说“人类出非洲”,在长达千万年时间里为何人类每次总与非洲 结缘?就是因为非洲具有地球上最广阔的热带地区,在这里可以躲避雪球期或冰 河期。
One of the reasons for human beings to go out of Africa time and again is that the continent enjoyed the vastest tropical zone. Naturally, those numerous volcano might also help human to escape ice ages..

( 赤道分布 /Equator in the world )
人类进化了千 万年,到几万年 前现代人“出非洲”时只有几千个人幸存下来,多半就是因为气候的铡刀效应。