





1. [2016课标Ⅱ卷] Everything they know about you _____ through this devicesometimes from hundreds of miles away.

A. came          B. moved       C. ran             D. developed

2. [2015课标 II卷] It ______ methat playing against the other team was a great learning moment for all thegirls on the team.

A. confused     B. struck       C. reminded    D. warned

3. [2018课标II卷]I was thrilled! I arrivedearly at Byron Bay where we were supposed to meet. The bay was   in sunshine, and there was a groupof kayakers around 150m off the shore.
A.bathedB. clean           C. deep D. formed

4. [2019课标Ⅰ卷]The best of a Kilimanjaro experience, in my opinion, isn’treaching the top. Mountains are ______ asspiritual places by many cultures.

A. studied                   B. observed  C. explored              D.regarded

5. [2012全国I卷] Her quick responses in class, uniqueanswers to the teachers’ questions and good understanding to the lessons often _____the students to have further discussions or debates on the text.

A. encourages B. improves      C. calls        D. develops

6. [2020新高考II卷] Then Jim Grant _______a U-turn, circling back to take another look.

A. saw   B. made  C. missed D. crossed


