


Everyday music








词曲Jon Anderson & Steve Howe

流派 摇滚



[Instrumental Intro]

[Verse 1]

I'll be the roundabout

The words will make you out 'n' out

I spent the day your way

Call it morning driving through the sound of

In and out the valley

[Verse 2]

The music dance and sing

They make the children really ring

I spent the day your way

Call it morning driving through the sound of

In and out the valley


In and around the lake

Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there

One mile over we'll be there and we'll see you

Ten true summers we'll be there and laughing too

Twenty four before my love you'll see

I'll be there with you

[Verse 3]

I will remember you

Your silhouette will charge the view

Of distant atmosphere

Call it morning driving through the sound of

Even in the valley


In and around the lake

Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there

One mile over we'll be there and we'll see you

Ten true summers we'll be there and laughing too

Twenty four before my love you'll see

I'll be there with you

[Verse 4]

Along the drifting cloud the eagle searching

Down on the land

Catching the swirling wind the sailor sees

The rim of the land

The eagle's dancing wings create as weather

Spins out of hand

Go closer hold the land feel partly no more

Than grains of sand

We stand to lose all time a thousand answers

By in our hand

Next to your deeper fears we stand

Surrounded by a million years

I'll be the roundabout

The words will make you out 'n' out

I'll be the roundabout

The words will make you out 'n' out


In and around the lake

Mountains come out of the sky, they stand there

Twenty four before my love and I'll be there

[Instrumental Break]

[Verse 1]

I'll be the roundabout

The words will make you out 'n' out

You spent the day your way

Call it morning driving through the sound of

In and out the valley


In and around the lake

Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there

One mile over we'll be there and we'll see you

Ten true summers we'll be there and laughing too

Twenty four before my love you'll see

I'll be there with you

[Outro with Vocalizations]



今天分享一首来自 Yes乐队 的《Roundabout》。

《Roundabout》是Yes乐队最著名的歌曲之一。这是他们第四张录音室专辑《Fragile 》(1971)的第一首单曲。他们在发行时候没计划把它弄成热门歌曲,所以这首歌在专辑中长达8分29秒。但单曲发行时被编辑到3分27秒,Jon Anderson在采访中说道:“当我们第一次听到《Roundabout》这首单曲时,它是在广播中播出的。我们不知道它被发布了。我们当时正忙着巡演,然后我们听到了剪辑的版本,我们想,‘哇,编辑这首歌一定用了一把大剪刀。我的意思是,这在音乐上完全是错误的。”

这首歌在美国百强单曲榜上攀升至第13位,成为乐队最热门的单曲,直到1983年他们以《孤独的心的主人》(Owner Of a Lonely Heart)胜过了这首歌。这首歌曲在近几年又开始重新火起来。首先,在2010年的摇滚歌曲比赛中,这首歌曲被确定为最难歌曲的前三名。其次,2012年它被日本动漫《JOJO的奇幻冒险》作为标准结局的片尾曲,预示着未完待续。第三,被加入了侠盗飞车V的曲目单当中。

这首歌曲的创作很多部分很有想法。第一是节拍。大部分的节拍是4/4拍,副歌部分是14/4拍,结尾部分是7/4。第二是歌词创作。这首歌是歌手Jon Anderson和吉他手Steve Howe在他们乘坐的一辆从阿伯丁开往格拉斯哥的货车的后座上创作出来的。Anderson被眼前的景色所震撼,他写出了这样的歌词:“Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there,山渐渐消失在云层之中。

乐队当时已经巡回演出了一个月左右,Anderson期待着回到伦敦,在那里他可以再次见到他当时的妻子,于是有了歌词“Twenty four before my love you'll see I'll be there with you”。并不是所有描写交通的歌词都很有诗意,但“Roundabout(环岛)”这个词写得非常好,与这首歌的主题非常契合,因为当Jon Anderson来到苏格兰的一个环岛时,他知道自己就快到家了。这首歌中提到的湖是尼斯湖,Jon Anderson骑马穿越苏格兰时看到的湖。

另外,这首歌在作曲方面营造了一个很好的“伪终止”感觉。当你觉得这首歌该结束的时候,突然转变另一个感觉的东西重新为歌曲注入活力。Howe说:“尽管所有的暗示都让你期待一个特定的结果,但作者/编曲者故意通过在音乐上走到其他地方来给你惊喜。”另外还有首类似的歌曲是《A Day In The Life》。

这首歌开头的奇怪声音是钢琴倒放的声音。他们的工程师Eddy Offord花了很多时间把磁带串错,然后挑出正确的音符。听听看吧。

