As anyone with a Roomba cleanerbot knows, robots easily become confused by something unexpected, like a piece of furniture in the wrong place. A barricade can be made of many objects, some unfamiliar, and none with convenient handles. Taking it apart is far beyond the capability of any industrial robot.
barricade: A barricade is a line of vehicles or other objects placed across a road or open space to stop people from getting past, for example, during street fighting or as a protest.
n. 路障;障碍
这个词的barric部分来自法语barrique,表示“桶”的意思。1588年3月12日,巴黎发生了一次胡格诺(Huguenot)暴动,胡格诺教徒们将装满泥土,沙石等的桶推倒在街上,形成路障,堵塞主干道。这一天也被称为the day of the barricades,barricade就用来形容这种路障 ,后来泛指各种路障或者街垒。
barrier /ˈbæriər/ n.屏障;障碍
obstacle /ˈɒbstəkl/ n.障碍物;干扰
blockade /blɒˈkeɪd/ n.封锁;障碍物在美剧《绯闻女孩》S2E5中,Blair气急败坏抱怨了起来,用到了barricade这个词:Don't they know that without me, they'd never see the inside of a fashion tent?! They'd be stuck behind the barricades with P.E.T.A.! In fact, I will leave them outside with P.E.T.A. Maybe that'll teach them some manners.