西芹汁口腔疗法 Celery Juice Oral Therapy

1.     如果喉咙痛,可以含一口西芹汁30秒钟时间,尽量使其位于喉咙后部,帮助杀死造成喉咙痛的细菌或病毒。如果需要,也可以尝试漱口。
2.          如果喉咙或颈部存在“腺体肿胀”,可以口含西芹汁,保留在接近喉咙的地方一分钟,然后再吞咽,将其逐步推入淋巴系统。
3.         扁桃体结石(tonsil stone:有时候嘴巴里会有小粒黄色粒子,有臭味,这些是死去的链球菌形成的扁桃体结石),可以在吞咽西芹汁前轻微漱口。
4.        口腔溃疡或有疮的情况下,请先用纸巾擦干溃疡或疮部位,然后再喝西芹汁,请确保西芹汁覆盖上述部位,保持30秒钟或更长时间之后再吞咽。
5.         牙痛或牙龈脓肿,或口腔内有伤口(例如咬到嘴唇或口腔内部),请让西芹汁在口腔中静置30到60秒,使得钠簇盐能够进入相应部位进行疗愈。
6.        拔牙后可以口含西芹汁15至30秒钟再吞咽,不要用西芹汁漱口。
7.         蛀牙的情况下,请慢慢喝下一整杯西芹汁,让每一口西芹汁都在嘴里轻轻漱口一下。蛀牙的情况下,请每喝一口就用西芹汁漱口一下。
8.        牙龈萎缩或任何种牙龈疾病的情况下,在嘴里含一口西芹汁并整个口腔内用西芹汁漱口一分钟,然后再咽下。
9.        如果嘴边疱疹、唇疱疹或唇部任何类型的细菌感染,请让西芹汁接触该部位,还可以用手指涂抹西芹汁在患处,然后在嘴里含30到60秒后再吞咽。
10.   如果嘴唇口角开裂,请慢慢喝西芹汁,让西芹汁能够被开裂处所吸收,这可以帮助更快的疗愈。如果嘴唇干裂或破裂,慢慢喝西芹汁让嘴唇也能够吸收西芹汁。更简单的方法可能是用手指将西芹汁涂抹或轻拍到嘴唇或嘴角处。
如果你是油拔法(Oil pulling)爱好者,要知道上述西芹汁口腔疗法比油拔法对口腔和牙齿问题的效用强无数倍。油拔法(即长时间在嘴巴内漱油以排出毒素)并不能真正去除毒素,该过程不足以能够杀死口腔中的细菌。另外一个真正能够改善口腔健康,而且省去20分钟的方法是在刷牙后(牙刷冲洗干净之后)用涂抹了一些椰子油的牙刷刷洗牙齿和牙龈,这种刷牙动作会起到作用,请使用椰子油,其他油无法起到这种作用,因为椰子所含的化合物具有强大的抗菌、抗病毒和抗真菌特性,有助于防止牙龈疾病。
Once you have your fresh celery juice in hand, there are no rules about how to drink it. You can sip it. You can swish it around in your mouth for a few seconds before swallowing. Or you can send it right down. It’s up to you.
When you’re dealing with specific issues in and around your mouth, there are oral therapies you can use when drinking your celery juice. If you’re an oil pulling enthusiast, know that celery juice for oral and dental issues is unmatched. Try switching out oil pulling for rinsing with and swallowing celery juice. How much you use these techniques depends on the severity of your condition. For a mild condition, you can try these once or more per glass. For a more severe condition, you can try one of these therapies three times or more per glass. Here they are:
If you’re exhibiting a sore throat, you can keep a sip of celery juice in your mouth for 30 seconds, letting it sit toward the back of the throat so it can kill the bacteria or virus creating the soreness. Try gargling, too, if you’d like.
If you have “swollen glands in your throat or neck, you can keep it in the back of your mouth, toward the throat, for a full minute before swallowing to help drive it into your lymphatic system over time.
If you’re dealing with tonsil stones, you can do a gentle gargle with celery juice before swallowing.
If you have a canker sore or ulcer in your mouth, try first drying off the sore or ulcer with a paper towel or tissue and then taking a sip of your celery juice that you hold in your mouth, making sure that it covers the sensitive spot, for 30 seconds or longer before swallowing.
If you have a toothache or tooth abscess, or if you have an injury in your mouth (for example, from biting the inside of your lip or cheek) let a sip of celery juice sit in your mouth for 30 to 60 seconds to help those sodium cluster salts enter the trouble spot and do their healing.
If you’ve had a tooth pulled, you can leave a sip of celery juice in your mouth for 15 to 30 seconds—don’t swish, though—and then swallow.
If you have a cavity, slowly sip the whole glass of celery juice, giving each one a gentle swish around the mouth. (This is an exception to the guidance above “about how many times to use these therapies per glass. In this case, do swish with every sip.)
If you have receding gums or any kind of gum disease, you can gently swish a sip of celery juice around in your mouth for one minute and then swallow.
If you have a cold sore, fever blister, or bacterial infection of any kind on the lip, you can let the celery juice touch it, using your finger to dab if needed, and then keep a sip in your mouth for 30 to 60 seconds before swallowing.
If you get cracks in the corners of your mouth, sip your celery juice slowly and let it find its way into those painful crevices—this can help them heal much more quickly. If you have chapped or cracked lips, you can also sip your celery juice in such a way that you let some coat your lips. In either case, you can also use your finger to dab your lips or corners of your mouth with the celery juice, if that’s easier.


