Urban Larsson艺术绘画,学院派画家的风采!

Urban Larsson 是一位具象传统的油画家。追求美和普遍的人类价值观,他只从生活中作画。他于 1966 年出生于斯德哥尔摩,在阿姆斯特丹生活和工作了近三年。这位艺术家在斯德哥尔摩大学学习艺术史,并在斯德哥尔摩皇家理工学院学习了一年的建筑学。

拉尔森随后搬到意大利佛罗伦萨,在 Studio Cecil & Graves 接受培训,这是欧洲唯一一家教授传统现实主义的工作室。他在那里度过了近三年时间,学习素描和绘画,并了解大师们的视觉语言和技巧。在佛罗伦萨完成学业后,他搬到阿姆斯特丹定居,

成为一名画家。他的视觉哲学和方法的一个重要组成部分是 视觉尺寸,这一传统已经发展了几个世纪,将画布放在主题旁边并从远处观看;画家站在画布上,反复向后退,以传达整体的视觉印象。

Urban 享有盛誉的众多肖像委员会都是国际性的。例如,他曾为瑞典的西尔维娅王后和荷兰的威廉-亚历山大国王和马克西玛王后绘制官方肖像。拉尔森与大多数其他画家的不同之处在于,他还掌握了其他流派,例如静物、风景和人物。他在欧洲和美国广泛展出。2017 年,他在瑞典和荷兰的著名博物馆举办了两次回顾展。同年,关于他作品的两部分纪录片在荷兰国家电视台 AVRO 播出。

自 2007 年 4 月以来,他一直在阿姆斯特丹普林塞尼兰的 GH Breitner (1857-1923) 的前工作室作画。Larsson 还定期为意大利佛罗伦萨的Charles H. Cecil Studios的高级学生教授肖像画。Urban Larsson 与艺术修复师 Lara van Wassenaer 结婚,他们育有三个孩子。

Urban Larsson is an oil painter in the figurative tradition. Striving for beauty and universal human values, he paints only from life. He was born in 1966 in Stockholm and has lived and worked in Amsterdam for nearly three decades. The artist studied History of Art at the University of Stockholm and one year of architecture at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.

Larsson then moved to Florence, Italy to train at Studio Cecil & Graves, the only atelier in Europe where traditional realism was taught. He spent nearly three years there, learning drawing and painting and being introduced to the visual language and techniques of the masters. After his studies in Florence, he moved to Amsterdam to settle as a painter. An essential part of his visual philosophy and approach is sight-size,

a tradition that has evolved over the centuries whereby the canvas is placed alongside the subject and viewed from a distance; the painter works standing and repeatedly steps back from the canvas in order to convey the visual impression of the whole.

Urban’s prestigious and numerous portrait commissions are international. He has for example painted the official portrait of HM Queen Silvia of Sweden and King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands. What sets Larsson apart from most other painters is that he also masters other genres, such as still-lifes, landscapes and figures.

He has exhibited extensively throughout Europe and USA. In 2017 he had two retrospective exhibitions in prominent museums in Sweden and the Netherlands. That same year a two part documentary on his work was broadcast on Dutch national television AVRO.

Since April 2007 he has painted in the former studio of G.H. Breitner (1857-1923) on Prinseneiland, Amsterdam. Larsson also regularly teaches portraiture to the the advanced students at Charles H. Cecil Studios in Florence, Italy. Urban Larsson is married to art restorer Lara van Wassenaer and they have three children.

