阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。An 80

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【推荐1】阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事,续写的词数应为 150 左右。

The day of the balloon festival, I felt as light as a hot-air balloon. This year I  wouldn't just be watching. I'd be riding in Mr. J's truck, following the balloon and meeting it when it came down.

It was a perfect day. Dad and I drove down the road around the lake and turned into the parking area. Dad pointed to the lake. "That's where you are to find the workers," he said.

We came to a stop and I got out of the car.

And  then  I  saw  a  white  bird  with  brown  head  and  skinny  legs. It cried and thrashed( 拍打 ) in the dirt in front of the cars. Its wings looked broken. Suddenly it shrieked (悲鸣)and flew off.

“Dad,” I called, but my father was watching the balloons.

“It's a killdeer(北美喧鹆).” I turned to see a silver- haired old woman. “It has a nest here somewhere,” she said. “In the parking area?” I asked. She nodded firmly. “It was a nesting place before it became a parking area.!”

“Jack!” Dad called “It is time for us to meet Mr. J.”

“I have to go.” I said. But the woman pointed to with her walking stick. There was  a clutch of killdeer’s eggs. They were almost in the road of cars, trucks, and motorbikes.’

Suddenly, the parent bird was back, its wings twisted again. “Jack!” Dad called again. “Jack, the balloons are ready to come down.”

“Dad! I am…” A truck roared over the hill. That is Mr. J. Dad jump on to the truck. “What’s the matter? We must go now.” asked Dad angrily from the truck.

Paragraph 1:

“Dad, I am not going,” I said.

Paragraph 2:

Soon a ring of cars surrounded the nest.

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I stared at the hundreds of jigsaw puzzle(拼图)pieces spread out on the table. “This is going to take a while. ”

“Isn't that the point?” My 17-year-old daughter, Julia, said. “To keep us off the screens during the quarantine(隔离)?”

“Right,” I said.

“Maybe this will take my mind off everything I've lost,” Julia said. She was a senior in high school, missing the last weeks of school with her friends and teachers. A competition she'd worked for all school year was now canceled. There's uncertainty about her graduation ceremony. Next week, she'd celebrate her 18th birthday at home, unable to see her friends. But her biggest worry was for the college scholarship she'd applied for. With the university closed,the decision had been delayed.She couldn't choose which school to attend without knowing how much financial help she'd receive. Her whole future felt uncertain.

“I'm sorry, honey,” I said, picking up a puzzle piece. When I set it back down, I saw a drop of tear on the table. I looked at Julia's damp eyes and immediately put my arms around her, “Julia, you just have to believe it's going to work out. "

“I feel like my whole life is like this puzzle. All the pieces are out of place and I may never get them back together," she said. “If just one piece would go into place, I think I could handle the uncertainty of the rest. I just need a piece of it. ”

I'd known since the quarantine started that Julia would struggle with it more than her sisters. Because of her age, but also because of her outgoing personality, staying home would be the hardest for her.

“I know it's hard when we can't see the future, but we have to believe in life. Despite the difficulties and setbacks, we'll figure out everything, just like the jigsaw puzzle,"I held her hand and told her.


Over the next several days, our family worked on the puzzle a little bit at a time.


Two days after we completed our puzzle, we got the call.


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Tom has an aunt who lives in a far-off village. He hadn’t seen her for two years and he really missed her.

Tom spent a lot of time with his aunt when he was a little boy. At that time,his parents were too busy with their work, so they sent him to his aunt. It was his aunt who took care of him for a long time. He remembered that back then a girl sometimes played with him. But he couldn’t remember her very clearly. After all, it was so many years before.

Last week. Tom decided to visit his aunt. And he called her first.

“Hello, Auntie. This is Tom. How are you?” asked Tom over the phone.

“I’m fine, Tom. Thanks. I’m just a bit lonely,” said Tom’s aunt. Hearing that, he knew he had made a right decision.

“I’m coming this weekend. I want to spend the weekend with you,” he immediately said, thinking his aunt would be surely full of joy.

“Really? That’s great! I miss you so much. ” his aunt said excitedly.

Tom set off on Friday afternoon. He thought he would arrive by six in the evening, but there was an accident on the road and all the traffic was stopped for almost an hour. When he got off the bus, it was getting dark.

It’s a ten-minute walk from the bus station to his aunt’s house. The village had experienced a lot of changes. Tom looked around curiously. Just at that moment another bus stopped and a girl got off the bus. The girl passed by Tom and began to walk into the village. Thinking that his aunt was waiting for him, Tom began to walk into the village too.

He walked behind the girl. After about two minutes, it seemed that the girl noticed him. She looked back hurriedly, and then continued to walk. Moments later the girl looked back again and then quickened her pace.

Paragraph 1:

It seemed that the girl was a bit scared.

Paragraph 2:

Clearly, it frightened the girl even more.


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