

Time is really the best span in the world, which makes the pain pale and the persistent people choose to leave, which makes us feel that time is not enough. After going through the vicissitudes, people come and go, you will understand that everything is life, not by people at all.


Humble please others, only in exchange for other people's neglect, this world only their own strong, in order to exchange for other people's attention, only equal treatment, in order to get real respect.


Don't blame yourself for being too emotional. You're just too unpromising, so you can't even let go of someone who doesn't love you. ——Xu Lingzi


Without unreasonable birth, without a lot of accumulation and understanding, things will not be done well. Only keep forging ahead, can we not lose face.


You have to learn to put those unexplained emotions in your mouth like mint, and then shut up. It's not worth telling anyone that a song can dispel this endless laziness.


Many people and colleagues are general friends, but they spend two-thirds of their time with them every day; and the most important relatives, only a few festivals can get together with them every year. People always can not be satisfied: the people in life are often not in your heart; those in your heart are often not in life.


After experiencing real isolation, you will understand that tears are the most useless thing!


The biggest regret is not to miss the best person, but to have run out of the best when you meet the best person.


If laughter can make you feel relieved, smile happily; if crying can relieve your pressure, let tears flow down; if silence is golden, there is no need to explain; if putting down can make you move forward better, why do you still carry on blindly.


Everyone has his way, and every road is right. People's misfortune is that they don't want to go their own way, they always want to go other people's way.

