The Rise of Molecular Glues
1月7日期的Cell杂志上有篇题为The Rise of Molecular Glues的文章,作者是哈佛大学的有机化学家Stuart L. Schreiber教授,但读下来其实写的还是有点牵强。

进一步研究看这些免疫抑制剂-靶点形成的复合物是不是起到一个docking assembly的功能,研究人员用cyclophilin–CsA、FKBP12–FK506及FKBP12–雷帕霉素作为bait进行亲和纯化,发现前两个复合物能够拉下钙调神经磷酸酶(calcineurin)。随后不同的研究组用FKBP12–雷帕霉素纯化到了mTOR,这时候就发现不管是CsA、FK506还是雷帕霉素,都是起到一个molecular glue的作用。
80年代一度认为细胞内的信号转导、蛋白磷酸酶和蛋白激酶是不可成药的靶点,但是随着发现已有药物CsA通过抑制PP来阻断胞内信号,雷帕霉素作为mTOR抑制剂获批都成为过去。到了2020年,基于对FKBP12作为command module、大环聚酮类分子作为分子胶水的认知,发现了大环聚酮类的WDB002,FKBP12-WDB002复合物能够结合着丝粒蛋白CEP250表面结构特征不明显的无规则卷曲区域,这些原本也是不可成药的。
Figure 1. Timeline of Molecular-Glue Discoveries

Calcineurin A/B-CsA-cyclophilin (PDB: 1MF8); calcineurin A/B-FK506-FKBP12 (PDB: 6TZ7); FKBP12-FK1012-FKBP12 (PDB: 1A7X); FRB domain-rapamycin-FKBP12 (PDB: 1FAP); taxol (PDB: 5SYF); rimiducid monomer-FKBP12 F36V (PDB: 1BL4); DDB1-cereblon-lenalidomide-CK1a (PDB: 5QFD); CEP250-WDB002-FKBP12 (PDB: 6OQA). Compounds labeled with red text are the compounds in red in the crystal structures. Protein label colors correlate to the color of the proteinin the crystal structures. *Results of an October 2020 PubMed search for ‘‘molecular glue’’ or ‘‘chemical inducers of dimerization’’ or ‘‘chemically induced proximity’’ or ‘‘bifunctional ligand’’ or ‘‘heterobifunctional ligand’’ or ‘‘PROTAC’’ and ‘‘protein’’ not ‘‘Protein C.’
天然的分子胶水主要还是通过诱导近距离空间来行使多种功能,而后在天然分子的基础上构建了双功能的分子胶水来拉近任意两个蛋白的空间距离,比如将2个FK506连成全新的FK1012,这种被称作‘‘chemical inducer of proximity’’ (CIP)。与之类似,Rimiducid本身是一个二聚化分子,通过结合Caspase9的FKBP结构域来引起Caspase9二聚化从而启动了凋亡信号。除此之外,利用分子胶水拉近空间距离还可以控制基因表达与抑制、染色质的甲基化与重塑、细胞器与膜的定位及蛋白降解,比如由 Behnam Nabet开发的dTAG 系统中,靶蛋白与KFBP12突变融合,分子胶水可以高选择性结合 FKBP12同时招募 E3 连接酶,从而引起靶蛋白多聚泛素化和降解。

另一个合成的小分子可以作为分子胶水的例子就是免疫调节剂沙利度胺、来那度胺及抗肿瘤药物indisulam。这些小分子药物诱导了特定的E3连接酶和靶点的结合:沙利度胺、来那度胺通过CUL4-DDB1-RBX1-CRBN E3连接酶诱导了转录因子Ikaros的泛素化和降解,而通过招募CUL4- DDB1-DDA1-DCAF15 E3连接酶来又到了剪接因子RBM39的泛素化和降解。也就是说小分子可以同时结合两个完全不同的蛋白来诱导降解。靶蛋白结合或不结合分子胶水化合物的细胞pull down显示相互作用组是完全不一样,合成的小分子也经常被用作分子胶水。
自从Ray Deshaies在2015年喊出t ‘‘the gold rush is on’’,每年关于分子胶水的文章几乎翻倍:David Spiegel is modulating the immune system in novel ways; Tom Wandless is making wrecking balls; Kevan Shokat is rethinkingmedicinal chemistry; Michelle Arkin is exploiting novel command modules; Angela Koehler is targeting transcription factors, and Pei Zhou is targeting DNA polymerases by altering subunit compositions of protein complexes; Derek Taylor and Goutham Narla are redirecting substrates of serine/ threonine phosphatases, and Jidong Zhu is correcting disease-causing mutations of tyrosinephosphatasesbyusing intramolecularmolecular glues;
除了诱导降解的PROTAC(PROteolysis TArgeting Chimera, 蛋白降解靶向嵌合体),还有诱导磷酸化的PHICS( Phosphorylation-Inducing Chimeric Small Molecules磷酸化嵌合体小分子)、诱导磷酸化的PhoRCs(Phosphatase Recruiting Chimeras,去磷酸化嵌合体分子),其中多个PROTAC项目进入临床,当然也需要指出的是分子胶水除了靶向降解外,和可以有多种功能,大有可能。
Figure 2. Influences of Molecular-Glue Compounds on Biology via Induced Protein Proximity
(A) Solid red ‘‘natural glues’’ carry out various functions via induced proximity in nature.
(i) Extracellular proteins induce association of intracellular signaling domains, while post-translational modifications like phosphorylation are a natural covalent but reversible (via a phosphatase) molecular glue. Shown here are kinases that use their own products as docking sites to boost their signal in the vicinity of initiation.
(ii) Some methyl- and acetyltransferases use an analogous reversible (via demethylases and deacetylases) docking method to boost their signal in transcriptional silencing (shown here) and activation, respectively.
(iii) Antigenic peptides act as a glue between MHC presenter proteins and T cell receptors (Schreiber, 1992).
(B) With the discovery that certain natural products can act as molecular glues and induce neo-protein associations, analogous signaling cascades were achieved with drug-sensitive fusions using molecular glues named chemical inducers of proximity (CIPs)
(i and ii); ‘‘bump-hole’’ variants such as rimiducid and FKBP12 F36V (structure in Figure 1) can provide exquisite specificity in mice (tissue-restricted cell destruction) and humans (treatment of graft versus host disease).
(iii)Control over gene expression can be achieved with rapamycin (or bump-hole variants with a mutant FRB domain) by recruiting activation and repression domains, or chromatin-modifying enzymes, to targeted loci.
(iv) The natural products taxol and later discodermolide were found to stabilize otherwise dynamic protein-protein interactions between alpha and beta tubulin (molecular clamps), leading to microtubule stabilization.
(C) Hybrid molecular glues combine natural products with synthetic portions.
(i) The dTAG system induces targeted protein degradation, while (ii) rapadocin inhibits SLC29A1.
(D) Completing the shift to the targeting of native proteins:
(i) true molecular glue ‘‘IMiDs’’ that target native proteins for degradation and (ii) bifunctional PROTACs that contain linkers between distinct protein-binding elements and that target native proteins.
(iii) Molecular glues have been discovered that function intramolecularly— one rescues missense mutations in SHP2, and another changes substrate specificity in PP2A.
(iv) Synstab shifts the field as a synthetic alternative to natural products.