




Lesson 41 Do you call that a hat?

'Do you call that a hat?' I said to my wife. 'You needn't be so rude about it,' my wife answered as she looked at herself in the mirror. I sat down on one of those modern chairs with holes in it and waited. We had been in the hat shop for half an hour and my wife was still in front of the mirror. 'We mustn't buy things we don't need,' I remarked suddenly. I regretted saying it almost at once. 'You needn't have said that,' my wife answered.' I need not remind you of that terrible tie you bought yesterday.' 'I find it beautiful,' I said. 'A man can never have too many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too many hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walked out of the shop together. My wife was wearing a hat that looked like a lighthouse!



A man can never have too many ties.

句中的“can never...too...”是双重否定表肯定的结构,整个句子实际要表达的意思是:

A man can have many ties.


主语+can (could) +否定词(not, never, hardly, scarcely)…+ too+形容词或副词


One can scarcely pay too high a price for liberty.为了自由,人们付出再高的代价也不过分。We can hardly thank you too much .万分感谢! (我们怎么感谢你都不为过。)You cannot be too careful when you drive a car.开车时务必要小心!(你开车时再怎么仔细都不为过。)


I regretted saying it almost at once.

regret后面既可以接不定式to do,也可以接动名词doing,其含义不一样。

regret to do表示“很抱歉或遗憾地...”,如:

I regret to have to do this, but I have no choice.我很遗憾必须这样去做,但我实在没有办法。

regret doing表示“后悔做某事”,如:

No sooner had the word come out than I regretted saying it.刚说出这句话我就后悔了。

