听歌学英语:Yesterday Once More和一般过去时





《新概念英语》第一册第67-76课先后讲了was/were、there was/there were、规则变化动词、不规则变化动词以及一般过去时与一般现在时的用法差别。


在上海历年的中考英语真题中,一般过去时大多是被作为混淆项,很少有作为答案选项的,这多半是跟一般过去时的标志性时间状语较为容易识别有关吧。常见的表过去的时间状语有:yesterday, the day before yesterday;last引导的时间状语,如last week、last year;ago引导的时间状语,如five minutes ago、six years ago。此外,还有just now、the other day等常用时间状语。





1、忽视时间状语,把该用一般过去时的情况用了一般现在时。如:They go to the park yesterday.句中的go应该是went。

2、动词的过去式形式错误。如:The book costed me five dollars.句中的cost过去式应该是原形cost。

3、动词的过去式发音错误。如:He read the newspaper last night.句中的read是过去式,其中ea的发音不是/iː/,而是/e/。

三、听歌学英语之Yesterday Once More

《昨日重现》(Yesterday Once More)是卡朋特乐队(the Carpenters)演唱的歌曲,始创于1973年。理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝迪斯为回应七十年代早期的怀旧风创作了这首歌曲。

歌曲曾入围奥斯卡百年金曲,在美国Billboard榜单和英国流行音乐排行榜上都得亚军的成绩,名列1973年的国际公信榜单曲排行榜和美国Billboard Easy Listening第一位,现在这首歌已成为永恒畅销单曲之一。



Yesterday Once More

When I was young I'd listen to the radio

Waiting for my favorite songs

When they played I'd sing along

It made me smile

Those were such happy times and not so long ago

How I wondered where they'd gone

But they're back again just like a long lost friend

All the songs I love so well

Every shalala every wo'wo still shines

Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing so fine

When they get to the part

Where he's breaking her heart

It can really make me cry

Just like before

It's yesterday once more

(Shoobie do lang lang*)

(Shoobie do lang lang)

Looking back on how it was in years gone by

And the good times that I had

Makes today seem rather sad

So much has changed

It was songs of love that I would sing to them

And I'd memorise each word

Those old melodies still sound so good to me

As they melt the years away

Every shalala every wo'wo still shines

Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing so fine

All my best memories

Come back clearly to me

Some can even make me cry

Just like before

It's yesterday once more

(Shoobie do lang lang)

Every shalala every wo'wo still shines

Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing so fine

Every shalala every wo'wo still shines

Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing so fine

