匈牙利艺术家菲利普·阿历克修斯·德·拉兹洛(PHILIP ALEXIUS DE LASZLO,1869-1937)续
匈牙利艺术家菲利普·阿历克修斯·德·拉兹洛(PHILIP ALEXIUS DE LASZLO,1869-1937)续匈牙利艺术家菲利普·阿历克修斯·德·拉兹洛(PHILIP ALEXIUS DE LASZLO,1869-1937)续图片来源于:互联网
Missis Adrian van Montegyu, urozhdennaya Enn Meybl, Oliviya Trauton
Portrait of Mrs William Wickham Hoffman, née Katherine Miller, 1932
"Mrs Paul Bridgeman and Miss Jeannine Bridgeman"
Tibor de Scitovszky, 1927
Madame Tibor de Scitovszky, née Hanna Hódosi
Ellen Yuing Stoun
Portret ledi Armatrud Vakhter de Grimston
Portrait de Cécile Elizabeth Florence Rankin (1914-1993), Lady Grandy, 1937
Duchess of Argyll, née Princess Louise Caroline Alberta of Great Britain, 1915
Portrait of the Marchioness of Douro, née the Hon. Lilian Maud Glen Coats, later 5th Duchess of Wellington, half-length, 1922
Portrait of a lady with a string of pearls, 1927
Portrait of a Gentleman
Portrait of Ellice Endicott, Mrs William Endicott, née Ellice Mack, 1926
Portrait of Mary Frances Dundas, wife of..., 1914
Portrait de la princesse Donna Maria Ruspoli, 1922
Portrait of Do?a María Mercedes de Alvear
Portrait of Lady Illingworth, seated full-length, in a blue ball gown with pink ribbon
Lady Ludlow, née Alice Sedgwick Mankiewicz..., 1924
The Hon. Mrs Henry Dundas, 1912
Portret Khelen Beatris Mayfanvi KH'yuz
Children Listening to the Story
1848 Liberty War Soldier, 1896
Ledi Uayt Todd, urozhdennaya miss Alin Lefevr
Study portrait of Baron Georg Franckenstein, 1925
Count Heinrich Larisch von Moennich (1850-1918)
Portrait des Carl Grunelius, 1898
Portrait of Constance Ellen Guiness, 1902
Portrait of Caroline Lambart, née Crawley, Countess of Cavan, 1912
Preparatory sketch for a portrait of a lady, 1913
Doctor Sámuel Egerer, 1897–1901
Portrait of Heinrich Larisch-Moennich
The Dancing Girl, 1898
The Dancing Girl, 1898
Mrs. Chichester de Windt Crookshank (nee Mary "Maimie" Usher), 1924
Kalapos h?lgy portréja, Emily Lasar Kern - Portrait of a lady with hat, Emily Lasar Kern)